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New nature reserve – Lucavsala small gardens

Do you remember the “Sports Palace Gardens” project? Between Barona and Tērbatas streets, in the very center of Riga, in the territory of the demolished Sports Palace, the idea of ​​creating small gardens for three years was implemented. In other words, instead of an unused and degraded area, the residents were given the opportunity to grow their own beautiful gardens and grow tomatoes, carrots, herbs and what not. Great idea!

However, there was a slight downside to this great idea. Exactly 150 people could get their small garden, while the others could apply on the waiting list. You know how – if someone gets tired of his private small garden in the very center of Riga and decides to give it up, then the next applicant can get the garden.

Meanwhile, the other 632,464 residents of Riga (I look at the population of the capital at that time) not only did not have a small garden in the center of Riga, but instead they could continue to look at the not-so-pretty tin garden built between Barona and Tērbatas streets from the outside, because the “Sports Palace Gardens” could only be entered urban gardeners or their guests.

The project’s website says: “In the central part of the territory – the depression – there are flower meadows and recreation areas available for picnics, events, lazy afternoons and community-organized events.” But 150 gardens are available for lottery winners. Correct me if I’m wrong, I probably just walked around the area and didn’t learn to find the normal human entrance.

It should be added here that, in any case, it was a great idea and such gardens were much better than if this patch of land simply stood abandoned and continued to overgrow. A cool place for people to work, take part, relax and have fun. At least until someone decides to do something more meaningful with the area.

Why the story of this small garden project? Because I can’t help but draw parallels with the small gardens of Lucavsala, which suddenly everyone remembered because of the potential football stadium.

#nature #reserve #Lucavsala #small #gardens
– 2024-04-18 13:16:27

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