New Moon in Scorpio – November 13 at 11:27 a.m. The New Moon in Scorpio is one of the strongest and most profound transformational New Moons. As you know, Scorpio is a very intense, mystical sign, a sign of death and rebirth. A sign that transforms even when we don’t want it to. Scorpio does not ask, does not caress. It stings to awaken.
YOU WILL NOT HIDE FROM YOURSELF – this is one of the main tasks of this New Moon. Scorpio creates emotional upheavals, shocking revelations, fearful feelings. It burns old patterns to the ground and makes way for new energies.
It takes dying to be born again. It creates the changes necessary for our deeper growth and spiritual evolution. Only when we descend into our depths, into our darkest chambers, when we face the feeling of death, do we truly understand what it means to live. Where light is born, how to be reborn in your power and radiant in your life.
The New Moon in Scorpio forces us to take off all our masks that we wear so convincingly every day. You will no longer hide from yourself and your deepest emotions, fears, traumas, scars… Scorpio is a sign of death and rebirth. And because of this, intense change is happening under this New Moon, whether we like it or not. We have a choice to either take responsibility or slip into the role of victim. Scorpio shows clear signs, bright indications, activates situations, people, events with which we have to work.
The world around us mirrors the real truths that reside within us and that we have so successfully hidden until now. But now it’s time for the truth. Time to admit to ourselves how it really is.
TIME TO HEAL YOURSELF – this is the second most important task of this New Moon.
This New Moon is here to reveal our soul’s blueprint and true goals. But you’ll have to dive deep to find them. Scorpio loves secrets and will not stop until the truth is revealed. Go into your deep waters and don’t stop until you find your deepest fears. It’s time to face your fears.
You know your way deep down. You know your tasks, responsibilities and your potential. So why do you still allow fear to plant you? To plant from the life that you actually want to live. You know how you want to live. You know who You are and who You are not. You have so much to give to the world. But as long as fear is in you, it continues to plant…
But you know – YOU WILL NOT HIDE FROM YOURSELF! Therefore, transform your fear into strength, your darkness into light, your pain into wisdom. Your scars – GOLD.
Are you excited? Do you feel unsure? Do you doubt that you will succeed?
We are often afraid of failure, but we are equally afraid of success. We may fear the path we will have to take to achieve our visions and think we won’t be strong enough to walk it. We don’t know what it will be like to live the life of our dreams.
We don’t know what we will be like if we make our dreams come true. We don’t know what obstacles we will face. And we don’t know who will lose or gain along the way. We cannot predict the future.
And the truth is, we will never know the outcome of any of our plans. However, we can allow ourselves to START. BRAVE START. And go on the unknown path intended for you. When we start walking our own path and hand over all our fears, insecurities, insecurities to the Higher Powers, we gain tremendous power. This is the power that Scorpio wants each of us to realize within ourselves.
Scorpio teaches us the courage and grit to face our fears. And always remind – YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOUR FEAR. Fear is just a chemical compound in us. And by changing their composition, we can change the power of fear. And what can change this composition? Above all, true, deeply true, pure self-love. Confidence in yourself. Self-forgiveness. Faith through yourself.
Listen to your intuition this New Moon. It will be the little support that will send you clear answers. Some of these will appear as physical sensations or even flashes of light. Others will play in a random song or text read. Scorpio heightens our intuition. Let go and trust it. Your intuition is connected to the knowledge that comes from the Great Library of the Universe. It knows more than your conscious mind. Trust. Listen and listen. See and see. Feel and feel.
New Moons are always about new beginnings. Scorpio is a sign of transformations. It can transform any energy into something else. When
You will recognize what your fears are, Scorpio will give you the energy to turn them into strength. Trust yourself and your intuition.
It is blessed to ask for healing energy from the universe right now. Whether it’s prayers, power words, mantras… the main thing is to let the universe know that you want to start and are on the beginning of a new path.
On the first day of the Moon, write your intentions, requests. Observe the situations, opportunities and challenges of your life. Appreciate the stages and cycles you may have to go through to truly transform yourself.
Answers to the deep questions of the soul.
Am I speaking and living my truth? Am I carrying old emotions and resentments? Am I stuck in the same cycles over and over again?
Use emotions as road signs. Make a list of your deep emotions and in which areas of your life you feel them at the moment.
The New Moon in Scorpio asks us to do great work, deep work, soul work. And only through these works can we experience true healing and be reborn into our brightest light.
The universe shows and indicates, but free will belongs only to You. WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO DO?
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2023-11-13 06:02:30
#Moon #Scorpio #ready #truth