Another astrological event will pull you out of possible stagnation and melancholy. This will be the new moon in the sign of Gemini, which will occur on Sunday, June 18 at exactly 6:36 a.m. His message can be summed up as follows: don’t sit at home, an exciting adventure awaits you right around the first corner. The Sun and Luna will also have the kindest companion when they meet, namely the benevolent double star Wezn and Phact. She is a pilgrim a seeker of truth and always a messenger of good news. In order for its beneficial influence to be fulfilled, the ruler of the new moon will take care of it, and that will be the just mentioned Mercury. The universe assigns him the role of Doryphorus, i.e. the squire, who shows and illuminates the path and guards so that no one goes astray.
The new moon horoscope is valid for four weeks, or until the next new moon. And it’s clear that you have fun and information-filled days ahead of you. However, there is one downside. There will be constellations in which according to astro-meteorology, thunderstorms are frequent. So don’t forget an umbrella or a raincoat at home, and if you have a well, check the quality of the water more often, because it could become contaminated.
Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)
Do not advise or help anyone during this period. Everyone around you will be “radio smart” throughout, so you would come across as ungrateful. As you will be amazingly nimble and courageous in verbal communication, you will draw individuals you care about into dialogue, but lately things have been creaking between you. This especially applies to people you meet on a daily basis, i.e. neighbors or siblings. An open dialogue with you manage to restore mutual trust. Since you don’t know everything either, you will be eager for new information, which you can use to self-study and improve your skills. You will soon thank yourself for this act.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
If you are a member of a voluntary organization or a political movement, the demands on you will be so great that you will cut it short from day to day. Listen to friends. Because you will come up with a way for them to get out of a protracted problem or legal dispute, and they will never forget it. A huge shift in the good will start in your financial zone. It could be a salary increase notice or additional income falling into your lap, there are many possibilities. In any case, especially individuals with deeper pockets, finally they stop worrying about whether they will make ends meet until the next payment.
Photo: AI visualization
The stars indicate a fundamental turn for the better in personal or family finances. A new, unexpected and probably regular source of income is emerging. Photo: AI visualization
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Many times you will find yourself at a symbolic crossroads, but there is no danger of going in the wrong direction. Realistic and at the same time intuitive Saturn in Pisces will keep you in check. It makes you assess every situation and doesn’t let you miss the set goal. Of course, the exception proves the rule, and if you do make a mistake, you learn from it. Since you are a sign that is de facto always going full throttle, in the second half of the week you fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion will catch up. Fortunately, you’ll sleep through it and on Sunday you’ll leave no one in doubt that you’re the fastest and funniest sign of the zodiac.
Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)
Take the time to listen to yourself. This week is special and important for you because you planetary constellations will help overcome an emotional block and equally afraid to say something out loud or in public. Thanks to this, you can easily withstand even more tense situations, and when the circumstances require it, you can say a firm “no”, maintain firm boundaries and not back down just because someone is making eye contact with you. The ability to not get “emotionally swayed” in discussions will make you a star, and if you are in an academic or intellectual environment, you will refute a fallacy so spectacularly that your colleagues will applaud you.
Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)
No matter what you say, there will almost always be some “good guy” who will try to discredit your opinion on truc, ridicule it and force it on you. Don’t let yourself like that, because your reputation will be at stake, and above all, the horoscope clearly says that you will be right. Realize that it is impossible to get along with everyone, that is simply utopia, so start ignoring individuals who they always have to argue “in the job description”. or spoil any fun. Hold on to the friends who have always supported you. Before long, your problem sector will be activated and their unconditional loyalty will come in handy.
Photo: AI visualization
By controlling your destiny, you will unfortunately run into individuals who are fundamentally opposed to anything that someone else suggests. There’s no point in trying to convince them, you’d better avoid them.Photo: AI visualization
Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)
Get smarter at the end of the week, because your horoscope warns against the unreliability of merchants, and thus of craftsmen. From Wednesday, seize every opportunity that will be related to your career. If you are a business, advertising or presentation of your products or services will have a huge impact, others will succeed in job interviews. When you have an unfinished upgrade or project sitting in a drawer, you should resurrect it because you will see it through to the final stage. If you feel underappreciated at work, on the weekend you decide to start over, perhaps even in a completely different field.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
If you are sick, you will start to feel good again, but take care this week, especially do not exert yourself physically, otherwise you will injure yourself. In any case, you will all feel as if you have taken a second breath, and take advantage of it, because your horoscope is made for trips that allow you to break away from the daily stereotypes and expand your knowledge, general perspective. If you have any activities related to a foreign country under discussion, the details will become clear at the end of the week and everything indicates that it will work out according to your wishes.
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
You will probably take care of someone else’s children in the days until Wednesday, or you will experience a very strong emotional experience related to children. In whatever environment you move, try to speak concisely and clearly, because the horoscope indicates the possibility of mistakes due to your ambiguous expression. If you have gone through a traumatic period or are sometimes afraid of the future, in the second half of the week there will be constellations that affect you they work as a very effective therapy with an immediate effectso the old troubles really become a thing of the past.
Photo: AI visualization
The universe is giving you the green light to finally come to terms with the past, especially various emotional traumas. This is a condition for you to relax and feel wonderful.Photo: AI visualization
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
You have very unusual days ahead of you. No matter what happens, you will always have a choice. It may be the necessity of moving to meet family obligations, as well as the possibility of buying a plot of land to build a family home, or taking responsibility for a family member. However, it will be something more long-term, so take your time with the decision and consider all the pros and cons. If you are single and establishing a serious relationship is not your priority, don’t flirt on the weekend. Everything indicates that you would break the heart of some romantic person.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
You will agree on what is needed, you won’t let yourself be beaten and you will achieve your goal very smartly. If someone throws sticks under your feet at work, you will finally bring them to the appropriate limits. If your employment contract ends, it will be extended. Stay away from religious and political fanatics around Thursday. Like a stuck record, they would repeat learned phrases over and over until you jumped out of your skin. When someone upsets you, listening to music will surely calm you down. On the weekend watch where you step or you’ll bruise your right lower leg.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)
You will probably be surprised by larger expenses, it cannot be ruled out that self-employed people will discover errors in their accounting. Don’t stress, you’ll solve this with ease, even your money horoscope advises you not to be afraid to take risks. Because of this, you will stumble upon financial opportunities that you had no idea about and thus would not have used them at all. The weekend will be the most fun since the beginning of the year. If you have a creative profession, you will spend your free time at work, but you will shine in your industry and the earnings will also be worth it. The new moon will create an ideal chance for singles to make a fateful acquaintance.
Pisces (February 21 – March 20)
The infallible “eye” of Saturn in your sign will make itself known. It directs your attention to the area you are really good at. However, it won’t hurt to improve even more, and it will also give you a firm indication of where you’ve reached a dead end and it’s time to do something about it. Know that you will find a solution in no time. At the weekend, what you neglected in the apartment will demand attention. So you spend your free time doing minor repairs, painting or improving the interior of the home. If you have property disputes in your family, you will finally agree on a settlement to the satisfaction of all involved.
Affirmation for this week: I am a good manager of my life, I attract only positive things to myself…
2023-06-12 03:04:42
#Weekly #horoscope #Bulls #smarter #financially #Scorpios #mentally #Aquarius #await #fateful #meeting #Prož