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New method will map human fermentation

Scientists from Maastricht UMC+ and Maastricht University will measure fermentation in the gut for the first time in people’s breath. This can lead to more effective and targeted prevention and treatment of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Our gut contains trillions of bacteria, which ferment indigestible foods such as fiber in whole grains, legumes and fruits. These cannot be digested in the first part of the intestines. During this process ‘products’ are created that can have beneficial effects on metabolism, immune system and brain health. Good microbial fermentation is therefore essential for maintaining our health. However, measuring the fermentation process in humans is very difficult.

Grant grant

Within the research project led by the Department of Human Biology ‘Non-invasive continuous gut microbial fermentation measurement for health and disease’ a new method is being developed that makes this possible non-invasively and in real time. This project involves collaboration with Human and Animal Physiology of Wageningen University & Research, Research Engineering (IDEE), Maastricht Instruments, Sensus and TSE Systems. A subsidy of more than one million euros was recently awarded to the project by the Humane Measurement Models 2.0 programme. Within this research programme, more effective methods are being developed and used in humans, allowing for more frequent research in humans.

Measuring gases

For the research, advanced respiration chambers with which the department studies metabolism and energy management in humans will be extended to fermentation chambers. Each chamber forms a closed circuit, the subject enters and then does not come out for several days. Controlled fresh outside air is drawn in and air used by the test subject is extracted. Breathing gases are measured and analyzed in this exhaled air using highly sensitive sensors, and now additionally also the gases released during the fermentation process, such as methane, hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen.

This gives the researchers information about the fermentation of both proteins and carbohydrates in humans. The balance between the fermentation of carbohydrates and proteins can be important for our health. Subsequently, it can be investigated what impact diet, medication and exercise have on our gut bacteria, metabolism and health.

Disease prevention

Research leader Prof. Dr. Ellen Blaak: “This unique and new measurement method will provide us with fundamental data on the interplay between food, other environmental factors, fermentation in our gut and our health. In the future, this could lead to new beneficial food products and lifestyle interventions to prevent various chronic diseases.”

Source: Maastricht UMC+

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