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New mental health center opened in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

same as cebe that they observedin the video surveillancescene in one of the cimenes.Ana Patricia: Mayor Adamsjust opened a centermen’s health in the bronx.was there and tells us whatoffers the place and aalternative to roomsemerge.isabel: that’s right, the mayoradams in conjunction with thehealth commissioner until recentlylittle was welcomedand they went around thisnew health centermental illness, it’s the bronxsupport that among other thingspromises to ease the burdenmany its city vitalsand that they are overwhelmed withprecisely health visitsmental and more now in thiscrisis due to the pandemiccoronavirus.will also provide aalternative tojustice interventionscriminal or pressure withthose who have somesubstance abuse or disorderand just as safelylead the charge copswho daily respond toemergency callsrelated to mental healthbut without the abilityrequired or resources tosolve the problem.this programs in coordinationthe city, have been invested55,000,000, the people whobe served here receivedignity because being quiástaken from the streets herewill pay them accommodationtreatment for five days,receive breakfast, lunch anddinner and a place where theythey can bathebronx and that’s why we started withthis program to establish andmake referrals to othersprograms but it’s okimportant and it is very highmental health number.there are going to be psychiatrists,doctors, they are going to refer toOther programs according topatient need.isabel: the people to governhelp can enter byaverage of workersfirst line, also forcalls you receive 911. yeslead to this address3050 white plains road, y todathe help provided is

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