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“New Mass Shootings in USA: Over Six Victims and Dozens Injured”


April 16, 202317:00

Over six total victims in the various shootings and dozens injured

From the web

Still different gun tragedies in the USA: At least four teenagers were killed in a shooting at a birthday party in Dadeville, CA Alabama. At least 28 people were injured. Police have not yet confirmed the number of victims or whether the killer has been arrested. Always last nighttwo students were injured in a shooting at the Lincoln University campus in Pennsylvania. A Louisville, in Kentuckya man fired on hundreds of people in a park: two dead, four injured.

New senseless and unstoppable trail of blood in the USA Mass shootings continue in the United States with a new heavy toll on Saturday night alone: ​​at least four teenagers killed at a birthday party in Alabama and two other people killed in a park in Kentucky.

Night of terror in Alabama The massacre of the boys took place in the city of Dadeville, during a party which in the United States they call “Sweet Sixteen”, an important moment of transition for every American teenager, more or less like our 18-year-old parties. It is still unclear who and why opened fire, but police confirmed that at least four teenagers were killed and at least 28 injured. Among the four victims also the brother of the birthday girl, the 16-year-old Alexis. In a shocking video circulated on Twitter, the sounds of gunfire and the terrified screams of a girl were heard as police cars arrived outside the house. “There is no place for violent crime in our state,” said Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, Republican. Joe Biden has been notified of yet another mass shooting.

Shoot in Louisville At the same time but in Louisville, where a former employee broke into a bank a week ago, massacring five people and wounding eight others, two people were killed in Chickasaw Park. The balance could have been much more serious because the park was crowded with people enjoying the weekend. Again the motive is unknown and the police are still chasing the killer.

Two students injured in Pennsylvania Also on Saturday night two students were injured in a shooting at the Lincoln University campus in Pennsylvania, while on Friday two young men, aged 22 and 17, were killed at a party in a residence hall at James Madison University, in Virginia. One tragedy after another, just over two weeks after the massacre in an elementary school in Nashville, Tennessee, in which three children and three adults died.

Over 150 mass shootings since the start of the year There have been more than 150 mass shootings since the start of 2023, more than in days gone by this year, according to data from the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive. Last year there were 647, an average of two a day. Some massacres, within the four walls of the house, don’t even make it to the media. A scourge that does not seem to have a solution despite Biden’s appeals to Congress to ban the sale of assault rifles, “weapons of war” as the American president defined them, and to impose greater controls on the age and background of those wants to buy a gun. But the message fails to make headway in a country that has 300 million inhabitants and 400 million weapons. And where the National Rifle Association is so powerful as to attract to its latest convention these days all the main candidates of the Republican party, Donald Trump in the lead, who have sworn eternal loyalty to it.

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