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New Mac ransomware discovered in pirated applications

The security of a computer can be easily compromised as soon as you start installing software from a dubious source. Here is the perfect example today with a new ransomware that spreads on Macs.

It is never a good idea to download pirated software and yet people continue to do so. There can be many reasons for doing this. That said, on the one hand, it’s illegal. And on the other hand, the source of the file that you are going to download and install is not a trusted source. The original file could have been modified, malicious code embedded and your machine could be infected. It happens very frequently. Including on machines Mac. New example with this ransomware.

New ransomware appears on Mac machines

Some Mac users have recently had the bitter experience. According to a Malwarebytes report, a new EvilQuest ransomware is rampant. It targets Apple machines and spreads via pirated Mac applications. We owe its discovery to several users who downloaded the “Little Snitch” application from a Russian forum. The executable installs the application itself as well as an additional file.

It spreads via pirated Mac applications

And this malware is pretty smart. During installation, the file is moved to another location on the disk and renamed to “CrashReporter” to remain hidden in the macOS Activity Monitor. Like all ransomware, it will then encrypt all the files on the machine. It seems that the malware is claiming $ 50 to recover access to the files. In addition, this malware would also install a keylogger to record everything you type on the keyboard. This in the hope of getting hold of sensitive information, such as your bank details, your identifiers and other passwords.

The next time you are tempted to download pirated software, remember that you risk damaging your machine.

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