Home » today » Health » New loss of smell and taste of the crown? Acupuncture 4 Major Rescue Points Traditional Chinese Medicine: Activating Functions Around the Nasal Cavity |

New loss of smell and taste of the crown? Acupuncture 4 Major Rescue Points Traditional Chinese Medicine: Activating Functions Around the Nasal Cavity |

Loss of smell and taste in patients diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia is one of the indicators of new coronavirus diagnosis, even more important than fever or cough. The patient began to feel that his sense of smell was diminished and he could not easily appreciate the aroma of food as before.When family members were cooking in the kitchen, they could not smell any while sitting in the living room. Chinese medicine practitioners have stated that in the treatment of loss of smell and taste in Chinese medicine, intensive acupuncture and moxibustion will be administered to activate functions around the nasal cavity and combined with drugs to improve physical fitness, sensitivity of the nose. food odor can be gradually improved.

Patients with severe allergic rhinitis infected with a new crown can cause smell disturbances

Clinically it has been found that in addition to the diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia, the cause of the loss of smell can also be traumatic damage to the olfactory nerve caused by traffic accident trauma, the violation of a viral or bacterial infection, or the compression of the tumor affecting the function of the olfactory conduction nerve and olfactory bulb in the brain. Tu Yuwei, a Chinese medicine practitioner, said he has also clinically encountered patients with severe allergic rhinitis for many years, resulting in severe curvature of the nasal septum or swelling of the nasal polyps, causing nasal congestion and compromising patency of breathing. Such chronic inflammation and swelling occurred after the diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia. , will gradually affect the sensitivity of the olfactory receptors, causing olfactory disturbances.

Anosmia can be divided into: complete anosmia and partial anosmia

The olfactory disorder can be divided into: complete loss of smell and partial loss of smell, the severity of which reflects the degree of nerve damage and is also related to prognosis. Due to the timeliness of nerve repair, the longer the loss of smell or the more severe the damage to the olfactory nerve, the more difficult the chance of recovery.

Olfactory disturbances can be divided into complete anosmia and partial anosmia, the severity of which reflects the degree of nerve damage and is also related to prognosis.

Olfactory disturbances can be divided into complete anosmia and partial anosmia, the severity of which reflects the degree of nerve damage and is also related to prognosis.

Tu Yuwei, a TCM doctor, said there are two main methods for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of olfactory disorders in TCM. The first is to directly stimulate blood circulation and nerve conduction around the nasal cavity through acupuncture and moxibustion. The cerebral blood circulation flow.

4 acupuncture points in traditional Chinese medicine to activate the functions around the nasal cavity

1. Yingxiang point:

Located in the crease of one centimeter on either side of the nose. Yingxiang belongs to the Hand Yangming large intestine meridian, which can disperse the heat of the wind and clear the nose.

2. Bamboo hole:

Located in the depression of the facial forehead, when the supraorbital notch. Zanzhu agopoint belongs to the foot sun bladder meridian, which can dissipate wind, relieve heat and improve eyesight.

3. Yintang point:

The Yintang point is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows. Yintang agopoint belongs to the extra-meridian acupoints of the head and neck, which can relieve forehead pain, dizziness, rhinitis, epistaxis, cold and fever, etc.

4. Fengchi point:

It is located in the depression between the upper outer edge of the trapezius muscle and the posterior edge of the upper end of the sternocleidomastoid muscle under the nuchal occipital bone. It belongs to the Shaoyang foot gallbladder meridian, which can expel wind, relieve outward appearance, clear the head, and benefit the five senses and seven orifices.

Additionally, some doctors will use the Quchi, Hegu, Zusanli, and Kunlun points on the ends of the hands and feet to further regulate and dredge the qi and blood of the meridians to help restore health. If scalp acupuncture is added to the aforementioned acupuncture stimulation to activate the cranial nerve, it can also aid in the conduction and repair of the olfactory nerve. For the maintenance of acupuncture points for ordinary people, they can use hot steam to irrigate the nose, first warm and moisturize the nose and face, and massage the Yintang, Zanzhu, Yutou, Yuyao points in sequence with the fingers in a circle and move along the nose Slide the lateral edge down to the Yingxiang acupuncture point and massage for 5 minutes every morning and every evening.

When cold pathogens invade the lungs and nose, use peppermint oil to massage near the nostrils or drink peppermint tea or Houttuynia cordata directly as a tea to relieve nasal congestion and loss of blood. smell caused by wind and heat infection.

When cold pathogens invade the lungs and nose, use peppermint oil to massage near the nostrils or drink peppermint tea or Houttuynia cordata directly as a tea to relieve nasal congestion and loss of blood. smell caused by wind and heat infection.

Diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia leads to nasal mucosal dysfunction and Chinese medicine or diet therapy improves

In addition to acupuncture point therapy, Chinese medicine will also use traditional Chinese medicine or food therapy to treat nasal mucosal dysfunction caused by the diagnosis of new coronary pneumonia. In case of “loss of smell” caused by cold or bacterial infection, or chronic long-term rhinitis, it is first necessary to distinguish the patient as a “wind-cold lung”, or the olfactory cells are affected by causes such as “heat moist in the liver and gallbladder “,” stagnant lung of the heat of the wind “, etc. Violation of inflammation.

When cold pathogens invade the lungs and nose, consider a diet that warms the lungs and dissipates cold and cleans the orifices of the nose. For example, you often drink ginger fish soup, rosemary tea, citrus tea, etc. On the other hand, you can use peppermint oil to massage near the nostrils, or directly drink peppermint tea or Houttuynia cordata as a tea to relieve nasal congestion and loss of smell caused by infection. wind and heat.

If the moist heat of the liver and gallbladder disturbs the head and face, causing nasal suffocation and deafness, it should be combined with the aesculus gallbladder and isatis root to remove the moisture and heat from the liver and gallbladder. For patients with nerve damage caused by traffic accidents or fractures, or cases of long-term chronic rhinitis intrusion leading to decreased body function, treatment should make good use of the principles of nourishing qi and nourishing blood, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and cleaning of orifices and activating collaterals Medicinal warming of meridians or using Guizhi tea, Astragalus and American Ginseng to nourish qi and blood, combined with above massage methods, it can provide nutrients and blood flow to the craniofacial nerves and at the same time stimulate the nerve activation function.

Since loss of smell involves regeneration and repair of nerves, general nerve damage has its own quick recovery time, so once loss of smell occurs after diagnosis of the new crown, it is best to seek a medical treatment as soon as possible to find find out the cause and then use drug treatment to recover.Nasal ventilation is combined with acupuncture to stimulate nerve conduction to activate olfactory conduction. However, if the cause of the trauma, fracture, or tumor involves severe damage to the olfactory nerve, which affects the golden period of repair time, more patient and intensive treatment is required to increase the chances of recovery of the function of the nose. damaged olfactory nerve.

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