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New lockdown? – What will happen in Germany in the Corona autumn of 2022?

What awaits Germany after this Corona summer of 2022? The numbers have been rising steadily for weeks. For example, the Incidents Still below the 500 mark in mid-June, they approached 800 a month later. As a reminder, that was a year ago Robert Koch Institute for July 16, 2021 one incidence of 8.6 known. The difference: This year, with the omicron variant BA.5, a virus mutation is dominant, which often even no symptoms or only mild disease progression causes. The federal government is now working on new plans for the Corona autumn.- The federal government is currently working on a concept for the approaching Corona autumn. Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann (FDP): “We agree in the coalition that it no lockdown will give more no blanket school closures and no curfews either.”-

The corona provisions in the Infection Protection Act, which were severely reduced in spring, mainly at the urging of the FDP expire on September 23. They are the legal basis for protective measures in the countries and define possible instruments. General mask requirements for events or when shopping were no longer required at the beginning of April. Masks are still mandatory nationwide on long-distance trains and planes. The federal states regulate this for buses and trains in local transport as well as for medical practices and clinics. A further increase in the number of infections is expected for the colder season after the summer wave. the Revision of the Infection Protection Act is currently being discussed in the federal government, the concept is to be coordinated with the federal states in August and in the Bundestag in September be introduced.

The “Expert Council of the Federal Government” had one at the beginning of June Statement on “Pandemic preparation for autumn/winter 2022/23” submitted. In the letter will three different scenarios for the approaching autumn/winter period. And even in the “unfavorable scenario“There is no longer any talk of a lockdown. In this case study, the experts assume that if a new virus variant with increased transmissibility and more severe disease progression occurs, measures like the Contact tracking, distance requirements, a mask requirement and the reactivation of the vaccination centers have to give. Comprehensive closures of schools, trade, culture and gastronomy are not recommended in the opinion of the expert council.-

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