A meeting is taking place in Le Havre (Seine-Maritime) at the airport on Tuesday May 10, 2022. It will be a question of the new lines but also of the ecological transition. (©Archives MB/76actu)
APPSA (Association pas de port sans airport) do not dream. Gone are the days when the airport of Havre (Seine-Maritime) had 140,000 passengers and its ambition is not there. But 20 years later, new lines and development projects both economic thatecological allow us to envisage a serene future. And to explain this approach, a meeting open to all is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10, 2022 at 7 p.m. in the airport of the flying club.
The end of the regular Le Havre-Lyon line in 2014 marked the end of the golden age of airport activity in Le Havre which, in the 2000s, still had nearly 140,000 passengers traveling to Toulouse, Nantes or even England. But it would seem that the airport is about to (re)take off. Even if Philippe Delebarre, president of APPSA maintains: “We know that we will not get to as much as in the 2000s.
“A major technological revolution is brewing”
The fact remains that the study aimed at the creation of one or two regular lines and other projects taking shape, the president wishes to inform the inhabitants of Le Havre and all those who are interested in the development of the airport.
In addition to this project of regular lines, a reflection is in progress on the ecology and the improvement of aviation fuels
It is these projects, which, according to the president, are a way of “completely rethinking the future of the airport”, which will be discussed during the meeting. “It will take place in the presence of Jean-Baptiste Gastinne (vice-president of Le Havre Seine Métropole) and Gilles Tellier (CEO of Sealar, new manager of the airport since January 2022). »
Also present, a contributor to the journal Air et Cosmos, Yann Legoff, who will precisely mention “this transition period which is currently starting and which will see the plane become more and more economical with fossil fuels”. For Philippe Delebarre, “a major technological revolution comparable to what was the birth of aviation is preparing”. The President calls on everyone interested in this new era to come to the meeting.
Practical information :
Meeting “for all residents of Le Havre” in the presence of Jean-Baptiste Gastinne (vice-president of Le Havre Seine Métropole) and Gilles Tellier (CEO of Sealar), Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 7 p.m. in the terminal of Le Havre airport.
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