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New Law on Child Labor in Quebec: Public Opinion Poll

It is since this Friday, September 1st that the provision of the new law on child labor came into force in Quebec. This restricts the number of hours that young people of school age can work. The subject inspired Néomédia with the survey question of the week.

The law stipulates that since this date, young people who attend school can work up to 17 hours a week, including a maximum of 10 hours from Monday to Friday, recalls the Standards, Equity, Health Commission and occupational safety (CNESST).

These restrictions do not apply during periods when there is no school for more than seven days. For example, during summer vacation, the holiday season or spring break.

The poll question is as follows: Do you agree with the new law governing the work of 14-16 year olds?

The answer options offered:

– Yes, this law should have been adopted a long time ago;

– Yes, teenagers will be able to concentrate on school;

– Yes, but I find that the law should have been extended to all students;

– Yes, it will prevent abuse;

– No, I find that this law has no reason to exist;

– No, especially in the current labor shortage context;

– Yes and no, but the law should be more flexible.

And you, what is your opinion on the subject. Let us know by answering the survey.

2023-09-04 00:59:47
#Supervise #work #teenagers #good #bad #idea

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