Home » today » News » New Law Forces New York Nursing Homes To Show Their Most Recent Ratings To Families Who Want To Hire Their Services | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

New Law Forces New York Nursing Homes To Show Their Most Recent Ratings To Families Who Want To Hire Their Services | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

mentalhealthforall.nyc.gov.hope: the restaurants nowthey will not be the only ones who shouldshow a ratingpublic who seek to giveservice.also the places of carefor older adults shouldshow this certificate.there are consequences forcenters that do not comply.romy: governor kathyhochul signed a legislationthat forces the homes ofold people to show theirqualification to the recent ofof and medicare, with the aimto know for those of thequality of the centers beforeenter loved ones.an activist who lost hismother in a care centerduring the critical pandemic thatfor updated informationthey choose places not acts, and thatvaluation of the families ofthe interns.>> when we try to make acomplaint or put ainformation on the website orinformation from a relative bywhat paó him, the informationit has already been deleted.it’s just taking theinformation and changing thepositive information, beingtransparent by thefamily can take oneinformed decision.romy: the health departmentfrom new york is published inyour portal the qualifications tostate nursing homes, forfacilitate the search for theinform families.the sponsor of the law in theSenate manifested asylumsmust have visible ugovernment ratingfederal every year, thisforces to improveconditions to obtain agood. to score.romy: the centers that wequalifying formations seánfined.they could lose the essencewhen the law goes into effectin january.you are looking for the center ofcare for a family member,you can check the ratingfrom the ai the asylums. withthe location and type ofsupplier can comparefacilities in the area thatwant and see the valuation inin terms of staff, hours withhealth inspection, qualityservice, vaccinated rateand penalties or fines

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