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New Jeans shakes up the American billboard MottoKorea

picture explanationNew jeans. Photo|Adore

The New Jeans group set a phenomenal milestone on the US Billboard ‘Global 200’ chart.

According to the latest chart (as of January 14) released by Billboard, an American music media, on the 10th (local time), New Jeans’ b-side song “Ditto” ranked at no. compared to the previous week) and 8th (+18 positions compared to the previous week), respectively.

Among K-pop artists who debuted after September 2016, New Jeans is the only one to enter the “Top 5” of Billboard “Global (excluding US)” and the “Top 10” of “Global 200”.

The title song “OMG” of the same name from the single album “OMG” entered the “Global (excluding US)” at number 19.

In this chart, the debut song “Hype boy” ranked 40th, an increase of 30 steps from the previous week, and “Attention” ranked 117th.

In the “Global 200”, a new entry “OMG” moved up to 30th place, “High Boy” moved up 62 places to 59th place and “Attention” fell back to 193rd place. “High Boy” charted for 22 consecutive weeks in the “Global (excluding US)” and “Global 200”.

In the “World Digital Song Sales” chart, the title song of the new album, “OMG”, entered the 3rd place and “Dito” ranked 6th. Besides ‘Ditto’, it also topped the ‘South Korea Song’, ‘Indonesian Song’, ‘Singapore Song’ and ‘Taiwan Song’ charts simultaneously.

In addition to the success of the new single album “OMG”, New Jeans’ debut album “New Jeans” is also gaining popularity. “New Jeans” ranked #15 in “Heat Seekers Albums,” which targets albums by emerging artists, and New Jeans moved up 13 places to #7 in “Emerging Artists,” which targets musicians emerging that receive worldwide attention.

[박세연 스타투데이 기자]

[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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