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New James Webb Space Telescope Image Reveals 45,000 Galaxies, Including Hundreds of New Discoveries

The James Webb Space Telescope reveals 45,000 galaxies in this image, hundreds of which have never been seen before.NASA, ESA, CSA, Brant Robertson (UC Santa Cruz), Ben Johnson (CfA), Sandro Takela (Cambridge), Marcia Rick (Universitas Arizona), Daniel Eisenstein (CfA)

  • The James Webb Space Telescope has released a new image of 45,000 galaxies.

  • About 700 of these galaxies are new discoveries and some of them are among the smallest ever observed.

  • A new galaxy is helping scientists unlock the mysteries of our early universe like never before.

If you have a lot of free time, you can count 45,000 galaxies on this one New picture from The James Webb Space Telescope.

What you see here is not a random area of ​​space.

This is actually a very famous area called the Great Observations Origins Deep Survey, or goods. Astronomers who want to spy The early stages of our universe Come here to find out.

Scientists have studied commodities for years using various tools, incl Hubble Space TelescopeAnd Chandra X-Ray ObservatoryAnd Spitzer Space Telescope, For example but not limited to.

But JWST so far The most powerful telescope to turn his eyes on the goods. And the results show it. This new image from Webb offers astronomers an unprecedented and detailed view of all time.

said astronomer Kevin Hainline of the University of Arizona statement. “Now, we can see that some of these are extended objects with visual structure.”

And JWST doesn’t stop there.

The James Webb Space Telescope discovered hundreds of new galaxies

The James Webb Space Telescope studies the heart of galaxies, like this one, to better understand star formation.ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, J. Lee, dan Tim PHANGS-JWST./J. Schmidt

Find out about JWST too 700 new galaxies in goods. In addition, these unprecedented galaxies are some of the youngest observed galaxies, between 370 million and 650 million years old. big bang.

“Pure this number of galaxies The Space Telescope Science Institute said in a statement statement.

With hundreds more galaxies to study in unprecedented detail, thanks to JWST, astronomers learned that the galaxies in our early universe were much more turbulent than previously thought.

Specifically, by studying the light signals from these young galaxies, astronomers have found something they didn’t expect: strong emission lines.

said Endsley in the book statement. “These early galaxies were very good at forming hot, massive stars.”

Ultimately, the results will help astronomers solve the larger mysteries of our so-called early universe It was reionisasi.

What caused the era of reionization?

The era of reionization was a defining moment in the early history of our universe that scientists are still trying to understand.NASA, European Space Agency, Canadian Space Agency, Joyce Kang (STScI)

This critical period occurred More than 13 billion years agowhen our universe becomes transparent, allowing us to see the universe around it as it is today.

Before the reionization era, the researchers found, intergalactic gas was mostly opaque. Therefore, astronomers cannot see beyond this point in time because their view is essentially obscured.

The reason for this drastic change is not clear. Some argue that credit goes to supermassive black holes.

But these new results from JWST suggest that hot outbursts of massive star formation in young galaxies could be a major driver.

Webb’s observations of GOODS are part of the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey, also known as JADES.

JADES is one of the largest observation programs in space telescopes, and Data is still being received.

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2023-06-10 01:30:38
#James #Webb #Space #Telescope #images #show #galaxies #unprecedented #detail

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