back with you atstudies.yisel: you have to beprepared, excellent york could bewinning the battle againstfourth wave of coronavirus anational level it is projected thattens of thousands of peoplethey could die by the end of the year.liliana: the number of infectionsdecreasing for the second weekconsecutive.with it they have alsodecreased thecovid experts attributed thedecrease to the efforts ofthe city joins nobody here andto the policies implementedin the last week.>> being $ 100 to those who arevaccinate and that has caused manypersons.Liliana: A Vaccine Mandateto enter closed places andthe requirement for vaccination andmasks to the staff of theschools have given results,that is seen in the decrease ofthe cases.New Yorkers like this motherthey say follow therecommendations to avoidspread of the virus is acitizen duty.>> we have a duty toprotect ourselves and unprotectdeás.spread the word, don’t haveafraid.that is going to help us.liliana: while new yorkseems to come out of the fourth or thecaused by the delta variant,the panorama at the national level isdiscouraging. USAsee almost 100,000 deaths ofhere to December 1. butmeasurements are takenprevention, they estimatehealth experts.>> if we get vaccinated and use theAscara, it’s horrible 50,000deaths.if we don’t take care of ourselves, we canreach 100,000 deaths.liliana: new york is stillconsidered ideal area oftransmission.which means that 100daily cases per 100,000of residents.still have a slightincrease in ratetransmissions, while thebronx has the rate of