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New images shared from the James Webb Space Telescope

New images continue to come from the James Webb Space Telescope, known as the most advanced telescope.

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) shared the clearest pictures of the universe from the James Webb Space Telescope yesterday.

Today, astonishing photographs of the universe taken by the most advanced telescope continued to come.

Shared live

The photographs taken by the James Webb Space Telescope during its 7-month space journey were shared with the whole world in a live broadcast from Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, USA.

Photos include a giant gas mass called WASP 96-b orbiting a star 1,150 light-years from Earth, a gas cloud called the Southern Ring (Eight Bursts), a gas cloud called the Carina Nebula, and giant shock waves called Stephans Quintet (Stephan Quintet). and a galaxy cluster showing tidal tails.

“Our understanding of how stars evolve will change”

NASA, photos “The deepest and sharpest infrared image of the early universe ever taken” describing it as “New details from James Webb will change our understanding of how stars evolve and affect their environment.” used the expressions. It was stated that the images obtained are important for the discovery of other possible habitable planets.

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WASP 96-b gas mass

The giant gas mass WASP-96b, photographed by the James Webb Space Telescope, is known as the most detailed spectrum of an exoplanet, containing different wavelengths of light. It is stated that WASP-96b, located 1,150 light-years from Earth, has half the mass of Jupiter and completes an orbit around its star every 3.4 days.

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Southern Ring

It was stated that the gas mass called the Southern Ring is 2,000 light-years away from Earth. At the same time “Eight Explosion” The Southern Ring, also called the Southern Ring, is said to contain an expanding gas cloud around a dying star.

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Stephans Quintet

According to the news of UAV, it was stated that the image of the Stephan’s Quintet (Stephan Quintet) galaxy cluster, displayed by James Webb, reveals how galaxies interact with each other and how their interactions can shape galactic evolution. It was reported that this compact galaxy cluster, first discovered in 1787, is located 290 million light-years away from the Pegasus constellation.

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Carina Nebula

It was stated that the Carina Nebula gas cloud, located 7,600 light-years from Earth, is one of the largest and brightest nebulae in the sky and is home to many stars with a much greater mass than the sun.

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“James Webb represents NASA’s best”

NASA President Bill Nelson said in a statement after the photos were shared, “James Webb represents NASA’s best” using expressions, “It preserves our ability to move forward to take risks and inspire for science. We never want to stop exploring and daring to take another step for humanity.” said.

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The first photo was shared yesterday.

The first color image obtained by James Webb, named after James E. Webb, NASA’s director responsible for the Apollo program in 2002, and equipped with a 6.5 meter wide gold-plated mirror, was shared with the public yesterday.

The photograph, which includes galaxies billions of light years away from Earth, was shown to US President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris during a meeting with NASA officials before being shared with the public. It is stated that the first photograph taken from James Webb is the deepest and most detailed photograph of the distant universe to date.

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