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New hospital in Ajaccio: yet another postponement and widespread discontent

In an internal communication, the director of the hospital justifies the postponed opening to January 30 “at the request of the majority union organization in order not to risk interrupting the electoral process”. The furious unions have the upper hand

LThe hospital was supposed to open in 2017, we can wait another two months. He is shameful. ” The caustic and disillusioned humor of the trade unions does not hide the malaise and anger aroused yesterday by the latest communication from the management Mercy. In an information note distributed to all departments, Jan-Luc Pescegeneral director of the institute, and Sylvain Ducrocq, interim president of the medical committee of the institute representing doctors, announced the opening of the new hospital on January 30th. A new report that we talked about in our September 29 edition but which management refused to assume as such. Thus began his communication: “We are pleased to announce that the day of the opening to the public of the new hospital in Ajaccio is set for Monday 30 January. On this date the first patient will be admitted. In order to make entry into the new hospital peaceful and, at the request of the majority trade union organization in order not to risk interrupting the electoral process in view of the professional elections of December 2022, the transfer to the new hospital is scheduled for January 2023. “ A preamble that literally set the unions on fire, starting with the first interested in the text, the CFDT.

READ ALSO. At the Ajaccio hospital, new tensions over the opening date

To mention just the year 2022, a move scheduled for June has been postponed for, according to management, “Spare the personnel affected by the latest wave of Covid”.

In the process, an official note had brought forward the date of 18 October with an express request to the staff not to take holidays between the months of October and November. Finally, a statement by Jean-Luc Pesce, recorded during a health, safety and working conditions committee (CHSCT) on September 16, announced the transfer and the first patient to the new hospital on November 21, “and asked Dr. Lecomte to kindly present the detailed organization, process and opening dates of the different units”.

Among the many reservations expressed by the CFDT in the face of a too tight schedule for an opening on this date, the union had also mentioned the organization of professional elections on 9 December. A reason given today by the management to justify a new postponement. “It’s unacceptable, punishes Nanette Bruni, very angry, use us and this observation to hide the real reasons for this umpteenth postponement. Union elections are important, but there is no doubt that they will prevent the hospital from being moved, which all the staff have been waiting anxiously, without communication, for months. The truth is that Mr. Pesce lies saying that everything is ready, this is the real reason for these successive postponements and the disturbing climate that we know is caused only by his person. “

“We lose sight of the general interest”

The CFDT secretary lists what she believes prevents the hospital from opening in good condition. “Care first: no workforce in the various departments has been defined, much less communicated and validated by the authorities. Even satellite services such as IT or catering are not ready. For these sectors, a recruitment is required and no candidates have yet been received. The establishment project which must consist of a medical project, a social project, a care management project does not exist. We asked for managerial models that we never got. The director saves time under pretexts but will not be on the CFDT’s shoulders. “ The union plans to hold a press conference early next week to clarify its arguments.

For its part, emphasizes the JTS “the contempt shown by the authorities” in management communication. “This is really a new postponement, how else to qualify it when the dates were given? “, say René Bizzari, Brigitte Martelli and Julien Taglia. They do not fall from the chair, however, when Jean-Luc Pesce justifies the opening of the new hospital on January 30 due to the organization of professional elections. “The unusual has become normal, we are not surprised. “ However, they are surprised by the signature at the bottom of the document of the representative of the medical commission of the establishment, representing the doctors. “Would that mean they condone this communication? “they ask, knowing the answer.

For the CGT Thierry Patton says nothing else and is concerned about the wear and tear of the nursing staff, and by extension, the consequences on patients: ” We are anticipating several moving dates without any internal communication. “ According to the cégétiste, with a “communication that masks the real reasons for a new delay, we lose sight of the general interest”. Thierry Patton still wants to find satisfaction in the information note: “Staff will be able to take leave between October, November and December, contrary to what they have been asked to do. “ Machine “From January 9, the availability of staff will be essential, so that everyone can take over their jobs”underlines the note of Jean-Luc Pesce and Sylvain Ducrocq.

Are the reasons for this new postponement given by the trade unions the right ones? Are there any other constraints? If so why? Can we dignifiedly postpone the opening of a new hospital for reasons of professional elections? January is privileged because there are too many uncertainties regarding the organization of services, the staff assignments? Do we have details on these matters? Denying the term “relationship”, the director general declined to answer our questions, limiting himself to the terms of his statement: “The first patient will be welcomed in our new hospital on January 30th, the move is registered for January 16th, the two sites (the old and the new) having to operate simultaneously within 15 days, that is until February 15th. . These are obviously fixed dates and today I wrote to all the staff to let them know. “

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