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New health concerns for the Queen because of a photo: the explanation of the doctors

Recently a photo of the Queen worried the world; in the photo it is clearly noted that the hands of the longest-lived ruler in the world are distinctly of a purplish complexion.

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The 95-year-old was hospitalized some time ago to conduct a series of tests, which in the end they found no particular health problems in the woman if not a little fatigue and a sore back.

In the photo in question Queen Elizabeth is in a meeting face to face with General Sir. Nick Carter, in the rooms of Windsor Castle. The image came out yesterday on the web, and at first glance it was seen as a sign of healing. However the really remarkably purplish color of the hands raised many questions on the possible causes, beyond the advanced age of the Queen.

The Queen’s purple complexion is worrying, but the doctors reassure about the possible causes of the phenomenon

The Dott. Jey Verma of the Shakespeare Medical Centre declared to the “Metro“: “It could be Raynaud’s phenomenon or it might just have the cold hands. Violet is caused by deoxygenated blood ”.

In addition, the phenomenon can be caused by “lack of circulation, fragile skin, visible veins, bruises, a loss of blood in the tissue under the skin,” added the doctor.

Read also: The Queen’s health is worrying, but she cannot give up one thing: her family has already been notified

The Queen hadn’t been to an event in person in over a month, exactly from the reception for the Global Investment Summit held in Windsor on Tuesday 19th October.

The next day came the communication that the monarch, under medical advice, would take a rest period, and it was later announced that her transfer to King Edward VII Hospital for “preliminary investigations”.

The Queen was forced to leave the COP26, the meeting of world leaders on climate change held in Glasgow. The first meeting after shooting it was con Boris Johnson, but no photos were taken of the event.

General Sir. Nick Carter, framed in the photo, will leave his post as Defense Chief of Staff at the end of the month.

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