When will IDPs be able to receive payments?
IDPs who have been forced to live abroad can apply for government assistance for the first time within 15 working days after they return to the country. About it reported on the government web portal.
If IDPs moved again after August 1, 2023, then those who previously received payments will continue to receive them for another six months. At the same time, they must be included in the lists of evacuees approved by the OVA. If they evacuate on their own, they must notify the OVA.
Previously, we wrote about how IDPs can receive assistance for living expenses.
Also, now migrants can count on payments for another three months (instead of one month) after the end of hostilities or temporary occupation where they left.
How long will IDPs receive payments?
In addition, it was determined that IDPs of working age must take care of their employment within three months from the day they are assigned payments. It could be:
employment, registration of individual entrepreneurs, applying for a business grant, receiving a training voucher, obtaining unemployed status registered at the employment center.
According to resolution No. 332 The Cabinet of Ministers state aid to IDPs can be assigned for the second six-month period automatically for specific categories of IDPs.
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2023-12-06 22:30:39
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