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New food research explains why caffeine balances fat and sugar

That coffee was good, obviously if taken with measure, was already known. Especially to us Italians, who are famous in the world for its consumption and the quality of the product we use. But that caffeine, perhaps also able to counterbalance the sugars and fats we eat, is a novelty. New food research explains why caffeine balances fat and sugar and blocks weight gain. Together with our Editorial Experts, let’s explain why.

University of Illinois

To throw this bomb are American researchers from the University of Illinois, to be clear the state that has Chicago as its capital. At the time of writing, the study is well advanced, but the testers are still animals and not humans. However, they are usually reliable laboratory mice, confirming that caffeine slows down fat. Not only that: coffee and tea, which contain it, would also limit the production of bad cholesterol.

Some data

New food research explains why caffeine balances fat and sugar, providing precise percentages. According to tests in fact, taking it regularly caffeine, the animals lost weight and accumulated less body fat than those deprived of the substance. Obviously, to conclude that caffeine limits the onset of obesity, the researchers loaded the diet of the guinea pigs tested positive with fat and sugar. Specifically, during the experimentation, they ate 40% more fats and carbohydrates and 15% more proteins.

One month of testing

After a month of testing, the University’s press office was able to say with some satisfaction that taking caffeine can really counteract a diet rich in fat and sugar. Now, of course, it remains to experiment with humans, but starting anyway it gives a positive feeling and an optimistic “trend”, justified by the results.


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