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“New Flight Routes by Wings Air Cover Joyful Province of Indonesia”


Wings Air announced that it would open a new domestic flight route in the happiest province in Indonesia, namely North Maluku, from Ternate to Buli to be precise.

In the near future, Wings Air airline will open a new route within the North Maluku network, with the aim of Buli Airport located in Pekaulang Village, Maba District, East Halmahera Regency (PGQ). It is planned that Wings Air will fly there 2x a week.

This route to Buli will complement other Wings Air routes in the archipelago province. In total there are 94 flight frequencies Wings Air per week round trip (PP) in North Maluku. Here’s the list:

1. Destination Sultan Babullah Airport, Ternate (TTE), from Morotai (1x every Monday, Wednesday, Friday); Ambon (1x every day); Labuha (1x every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday); Manado (3x a day).

2. Destination Leo Wattimena Airport, Morotai (OTI), from Ternate (1x every Monday, Wednesday, Friday).

3. Destination Oesman Sadik Airport, Labuha, South Halmahera (LAH), from Ternate (1x every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday).

4. Destination Kuabang Airport, Kao, Tobelo, North Halmahera (KAZ), from Manado (1x every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).

5. Destination Weda Bay Airport, Central Halmahera (WDB), charter from Manado (1x per day).

Wings Air will operate a fleet of ATR 72-500 or ATR 72-600 propeller type aircraft for flights in North Maluku.

This type of aircraft is very precise, according to the local airport infrastructure. The aircraft has a capacity of 72 seats in economy class, with a 2-2 layout which is very important in connecting areas up to the sub-district and regency levels in North Maluku.

“With the expansion of routes and the availability of accessibility to the beautiful islands in North Maluku, Wings Air can help increase the number of tourists, in line with the Proud Traveling in Indonesia (BBWI) and Proud Made in Indonesia (BBI) movements, so that it has a positive impact on the local economy,” closed Corporate Communications Strategic of Wings Air, Danang Mandala Prihantoro in his statement, Sunday (26/ 3/2023).

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