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New Findings on TRAPPIST-1 Planets: JWST Detects No Thick CO2 Atmosphere on TRAPPIST-1 c

Title: TRAPPIST-1 System Reveals New Insights into Exoplanet Atmospheres

Date: June 21, 2023

The TRAPPIST-1 system has captured the attention of astronomers worldwide as the most exciting collection of exoplanets ever discovered. Situated 40 light-years away from Earth, this system revolves around an ultracool red dwarf star and consists of seven rocky planets, several of which are located within the star’s habitable zone.

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been instrumental in providing valuable data on the TRAPPIST planets, particularly in studying their atmospheres. Recently, astronomers released detailed information about TRAPPIST-1 c, the second planet in the system, which is believed to resemble Venus. However, contrary to expectations, JWST failed to detect any significant presence of a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere on TRAPPIST-1 c.

Dr. Laura Kreidberg, the director of APEx (Atmospheric Physics of Exoplanets) at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany, expressed her amazement at JWST’s ability to detect such signals. She also highlighted the significance of this discovery, stating that it marks the beginning of a new era in the characterization of rocky exoplanets.

In March 2023, astronomers shared JWST data on TRAPPIST-1 b, the innermost planet in the system. Due to its close proximity to the star, TRAPPIST-1 b is not within the habitable zone and was not expected to possess an atmosphere. As predicted, JWST detected no atmosphere on this planet.

While previous observations with the Hubble and Spitzer Space Telescopes did not reveal any atmospheric features
detail photograph


TRAPPIST-1 System Unveils Surprising Discoveries about Exoplanet Atmospheres

2 thoughts on “New Findings on TRAPPIST-1 Planets: JWST Detects No Thick CO2 Atmosphere on TRAPPIST-1 c”

  1. These new findings on TRAPPIST-1 c, revealed by the JWST, dismissing the existence of a thick CO2 atmosphere, open up new possibilities for understanding the composition and potential habitability of this intriguing exoplanet. Exciting times for exoplanet researchers! #TRAPPIST1 #JWST

  2. These new findings from the JWST offer fascinating insights into the TRAPPIST-1 system. The absence of a thick CO2 atmosphere on TRAPPIST-1 c raises intriguing questions about the potential habitability of these exoplanets. Further exploration is needed to unlock the secrets of these intriguing celestial neighbors.


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