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New findings, Corona virus in Barcelona wastewater in March 2019 Page all

BARCELONA, KOMPAS.com – Researchers at the University of Barcelona discovered the corona virus in frozen wastewater samples from March 12, 2019.

If the findings have been patented, then the research will change the timeline of the origin of the corona virus that has been trusted from China.

Reporting from Anadolu Agency Friday (6/26/2020), these findings were published in medRxiv, server trusted publication of pre-printed versions of medical research, while still being done peer review.

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The server has been an important source of recent research on Covid-19, a disease caused by a new type of corona virus.

The University of Barcelona in a press release on Friday (6/26/2020) said the results of the study had been “sent to major journals.”

In this study, the researchers examined samples from two large wastewater treatment plants in Barcelona, ​​to detect the evolution of viruses in the city.

Because the virus is dumped into feces the researchers say, “observing waste can be a way to monitor the spread of the virus.”

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Studies to study Covid-19 in wastewater are ongoing in many countries.

Researchers in Barcelona began by analyzing weekly samples from April 13 to May 25, then studying frozen samples from the beginning of the year.

The analysis detected an official virus named SARS-CoV-2 at the Barcelona waste disposal site on January 15, 41 days before the first corona case was reported in Barcelona.

The findings sparked further research, and they tested frozen samples from January 2018 to December 2019.

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“All samples showed negative SARS-CoV-2 genomes except on March 12, 2019, where SARS-CoV-2 levels were low but positive, in two different targets,” explained Albert Bosch, the research coordinator in the press release quoted. Anatolia.

“Barcelona is visited by many visitors who travel and do business,” he continued.

“There is a possibility that a similar situation will occur in other countries, and because most of the Covid-19 cases are symptomatic like flu, they can be mistaken for flu.”

Meanwhile, the first corona virus case reported in Wuhan was in December 2019.

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But some experts are quoted Anatolia disagree with this surprising finding in Barcelona.

According to them, studying the corona virus in waste is a useful science, but most of its findings can be countered.

Another criticism directed at the research is that this study detected two different genes (IP2 and IP4).

The method is different from the KWR Water Research Institute in the Netherlands, which studies it in their wastewater nucleotides.

Before the study was completed peer review and published in journals, this finding could not be confirmed.

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