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New evidence in Oppermann’s death –

The count.


Long-time SPD politician Wolfgang Wodarg gave previously unknown details about the death of then Bundestag Vice President Thomas Oppermann on October 25, 2020 in an interview with Multipolar on Monday (August 19). Wodarg had “received the situation in such a way” that Oppermann “was in the make-up room a few minutes before a live appearance on ZDF, i.e. was being made up for the performance,” that he “was then offered a coffee, drank a coffee and then collapsed dead.” No police came afterwards and “no particularly thorough investigation was carried out into the cause of death,” said the former parliamentary colleague. His conclusion: “It looks to me as if he was poisoned before the performance.” The public prosecutor’s office should have taken action, but “it didn’t,” emphasized Wodarg. Multipolar was able to confirm this information through a conversation with the person to whom the eyewitness had confided.

In the days before his death, Oppermann had vehemently opposed another lockdown, which was to be imposed on 2 November. proclaimed In October he told SPIEGEL explainedhe expects “further court decisions that will repeal Corona measures.” The “activism of the state governments” produces “poorly thought-out individual measures” that “violate the principle of proportionality or the principle of equal treatment.” He criticized discussions “behind closed doors in the Chancellery” and demanded a few days before his death, “an open general debate in the Bundestag”. There was “no majority for a non-specific ban on accommodation,” said the politician, who was also chairman of the SPD parliamentary group until 2017. Only the Bundestag could “ensure the necessary acceptance of the necessary measures through an open debate and careful consideration.” In another interview, Oppermann repeated: “We need a debate about the precise legal empowerment of the executive branch.” This is “a question of the rule of law.”

His death occurred just minutes before he could explain his thoughts and demands to an audience of millions as an interview guest on the ZDF program “Berlin direct”. Oppermann was supposed to be broadcast live from the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen. The head of the ZDF capital studio, Theo Koll remembered said that “in the preliminary discussion for the planned call, they had experienced the politician Thomas Oppermann as always professional and relaxed.” The journalist Hans-Jörg Vehlewald, who said he had known him for over 20 years, emphasizedthat no one in Oppermann’s environment knew of any previous illness.

Wodarg, who first disclosed the details of the death to Multipolar, admitted that it had “shocked him very much at the time”. He “does believe that there are people who were very afraid” that politicians like Oppermann would “disrupt the planned actions”. There was a legal challenge against the second lockdown in autumn 2020. Wave of lawsuits arrivedThe head of the Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, Mario Ohoven, also asked the federal government in October 2020 warned: The planned new lockdown would be a “death blow for the economy.” Should the federal government bring public life to a standstill again, he reserves the right to take legal action. He “does not believe that a new lockdown would stand up before the Federal Constitutional Court,” Ohoven said at the time. Therefore be it “It is not only legitimate, but absolutely necessary, to ask whether the measures are also proportionate in the legal sense and thus in line with our constitution.”

Two days after this statement, on October 31, 2020, Ohoven also died. He crashed his car into a motorway bridge. According to media reports he was “driving his Bentley in the left lane of the A44 when he lost control of the vehicle for reasons that are still unknown.” The public prosecutor’s office did not investigate this case either.

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