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New Evidence for Trump Employees’ Involvement in Capitol Storming

I love it!This is how Mark Meadows, President Donald Trump’s former chief of staff, responded to a Congressman’s proposal to ignore the election results. The plan was to simply replace the electoral votes chosen in the presidential election, who would then vote for Joe Biden in the tiered American system, with people who would vote for Trump. “Very controversial,” the Congressman wrote. But Meadows loved it right away.

This SMS swap is part of New Documents Obtained by a US Congressional Committee. Once again, the level of involvement of senior officials of former President Trump in the preparation of a coup d’état that would eventually culminate in the storming of the Capitol on January 6. deliver.

The documents were sent to the Commission of Inquiry from Meadows himself. The former chief of staff has been summoned by the committee and had recently agreed to cooperate. He sent a limited amount of documents and text messages from his phone. Limited, because Meadows invokes the so-called executive privilege, which protects confidential communications between the President and his closest associates. After sending this evidence, Meadows has filed a complaint against the Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who is responsible for the investigation into the circumstances of ‘January 6’.

Slide from the PowerPoint presentation ‘Election fraud, foreign interference and options before January 6’.
Image via The Independent

Among the documents the committee received from Meadows is an email from an influential conspiracy theorist, with a PowerPoint presentation attached. The 38-slide presentation accompanying this email is titled “Election Fraud, Foreign Interference and Options Before Jan. 6,” according to a confirmation letter sent to Meadows by the Commission of Inquiry on Tuesday. The presentation was intended toon the hill” to be shown, that is to representatives of the people on Capitol Hill. The British newspaper The Guardian and other media have seen a powerpoint presentation that bears the same title, has the same portee, but has two slides less.

Also read: What was the role of Mark Meadows, Steve Bannon and Dan Scavino?

Meadows received the email containing that PowerPoint presentation on January 5, a day before Congress was due to ratify Biden’s election win. It lays out a myriad of theories about electoral fraud, from Venezuela and China interference, to corrupted voting machines, to dead who allegedly voted. These are theories put forward by Trump’s lawyers in dozens of lawsuits when they tried to invalidate the election results. They were completely wrong in all but one of the cases. Lawyer Rudy Giuliani also admitted to a judge that the case he brought forward did not reveal any fraud.

The Commission of Inquiry is threatening Meadows with a lawsuit if he refuses to testify about his knowledge of and involvement in the attempt to prevent Biden from being nominated. This week Trump himself also suffered a legal defeat in this case. Trump invokes the same executive privilege to refuse to cooperate with the investigation. A federal court in Washington on Thursday ruled on appeal that the former president cannot invoke confidentiality and that he must provide the documents requested by the committee.

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