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New European VAT rules for online purchases are coming…

The new European VAT rules for online purchases from online stores outside the European Union will come into effect on Thursday. Belgium will then introduce European regulations that stipulate that the VAT exemption will lapse for online purchases up to 22 euros. This means that the customer sometimes has to pay extra on delivery.

The news had been known for some time. The federal public service Finance gave more text and explanation about the rules at bpost’s sorting center in Machelen on Wednesday. The media were also able to interview some customs officials and take pictures.

The rules for sellers from outside the EU will be the same as those for EU online stores from Thursday. European webshops do not have the advantage that purchases up to 22 euros are exempt from VAT.

courier service

Consumers should pay attention, because there is a difference between registered and unregistered online stores. With the latter, the VAT is not yet deducted at the time of purchase. It will be up to the courier to charge the VAT and then transfer it to the tax authorities. The buyer must therefore pay extra to the courier, who can charge costs for that service.

The consumer must check on the invoice whether VAT has already been charged. This way he or she can know whether or not it concerns a registered seller. Most major players would join the new system and would therefore charge the VAT immediately upon purchase.

The advantage is that from now on the consumer pays the VAT where the consumption of goods takes place. This will once again create fair competition between European and non-European e-commerce players and also between e-commerce and traditional stores.

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