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New episodes from Mannheim, Krefeld and Eberswalde

Munich (ots) –

– Six episodes from the Mannheim Benz barracks at 8.15pm
– Afterwards, from 21:15, three new episodes each of Krefeld and Eberswalde
– Starts January 3, 2023, every Tuesday at RTLZWEI

New episodes to start the year! At the beginning of January there will be a meeting with the people of Mannheim. In total, RTLZWEI will show six new episodes from January 3, 2023, every Tuesday at 20:15. Afterwards, from 21:15, there will be three new episodes from the thriving velvet and silk city of Krefeld and then three more from Eberswalde. People’s daily lives are told: real, shocking, but always funny and above all heartfelt.

Good news from the Benz barracks! Janine completed her training and now she can call herself a “makeup artist”. The single mother of two now wants to start her own business so that she is no longer dependent on Hartz IV. Jerrick is going through a difficult period in his life right now. He believes he suffers from borderline syndrome and has now taken the first steps to ask for help. Petra lives in the green block with her future husband Sascha and their two daughters. Sascha proved to be an excellent stepfather to eight-year-old Lucia and five-year-old Francesca.

Plus, it dates back to Krefeld! Angelina is heavily pregnant. However, her mother Conny is very concerned that the 16-year-old will have to move into a mother-and-child home after giving birth. The decisive visit from the Youth Welfare Office is still pending. In addition, Angelina has to deal with issues such as family and parental benefits. Chris, 59, has been on Hartz IV for eleven years and after a total of six heart attacks and two strokes he still has to sleep on the sofa at home. His friends have now bought him a bed. Will he be better off with this? Melanie and Christian also live in Krefeld with their son Nico. Melanie has received state support for 20 years, Christian has lived on Hartz IV for six years. At home, the family of three makes a discovery in the bathroom that causes them to hold back tears.

Norman and Kathleen live in Eberswalde with their two children and their dog Kira. In order to be able to escape from everyday life more often, the father of the family would like to get a driving licence. Meanwhile, 40-year-old student Peggy has to deal with her dissertation. Will she succeed?

The format is produced by UFA Show & Factual GmbH.

From January 3, 2023: new episodes of “Hartz and warmly”. In total, RTLZWEI shows six new episodes from Mannheim at 20:15. Afterwards at 21:15 there will initially be three new Krefeld episodes to watch, from January 24th three more from Eberswalde. Episodes can be viewed free of charge on RTL+ for 30 days after broadcast.

About “Hartz and sincerely”:

“Hartz and warm” sheds light on conditions at various social hotspots. The documentary series examines the daily lives of those affected and tells the stories of people on the fringes of the subsistence level.

Press contact:

Consumer Public Relations
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Original content by: RTLZWEI, broadcast by news aktuell
Original message: https://www.presseportal.de/pm/6605/5396407

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