Home » today » News » New environmental justice atlas: These Berlin neighborhoods suffer particularly from heat, noise and bad air – Berlin

New environmental justice atlas: These Berlin neighborhoods suffer particularly from heat, noise and bad air – Berlin

Too loud, too hot, not enough green and the air too dirty: All the bad environmental factors that nobody wants in their immediate living environment occur, especially in the center of the capital when you look at Berlin. And they are accumulating in places where the poorer sections of the population have been living.

This is the result of the new environmental justice atlas for Berlin, which the Senate Environmental Administration published on Tuesday.

Wedding, Gesundbrunnen, Moabit, North-Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and North-Neukölln are particularly affected by heat, noise, bad air and a lack of green spaces. It is there that people suffer most from the external conditions. This hits the Mitte and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg districts particularly hard.

In no other district is the supply of green spaces worse than in Not – and that despite the huge zoo.

Especially in Wedding, Moabit, but also Alt-Mitte, parks hardly characterize the cityscape. More than half of the district’s planning spaces struggle with bad air and heat.

Worst location in Gesundbrunnen

The situation is worst in the Schwedenstraße planning area in Gesundbrunnen. It is one of the only two planning areas out of 542 in the city that show problems in all four environmental indicators as well as the social situation.

[Wo können Berliner sich bei Hitze erfrischen? Die kühlsten und windigsten Orte der Stadt finden Sie auf unserer interaktiven Karte.]

The district is similarly affected by heat build-up Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. There, too, the supply of green spaces is far too small. In addition, there are the second most neighborhoods that have a high level of air pollution. Only in Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf even more planning areas are affected by exhaust gases.

Nowhere are so many areas affected by high levels of noise as in Treptow-Köpenick. The reason for this is probably BER Airport. And although the district as a whole is very green, nowhere does it suffer from heat as much as in Marzahn-Hellersdorf.

Less environmental pollution on the outskirts

Overall, the environmental pollution is lower, especially in the less densely populated suburbs. In most cases, these are also the better residential areas, single-family housing estates or residential areas.

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“The atlas shows us which neighborhoods we need to focus our attention on for appropriate programs and it confirms that environmental protection is still a burning issue of justice,” said Environment Senator Bettina Jarasch (Greens).

People with a low social status are still particularly often exposed to high levels of environmental pollution. “They live in neighborhoods with a lot of traffic and little green space. We have to manage to improve the quality of life, especially in these areas that are heavily polluted,” explained the senator.

Initiatives call for traffic calming

However, the data does not reflect the fact that rents have recently exploded almost everywhere in the city center – despite the high level of environmental pollution. Whereby the same often applies there: the rents are higher in the quiet side streets, where the middle class lives. The rather poorer population still lives on the noisy and dirty main streets.

[In unseren Newslettern berichten wir wöchentlich aus den zwölf Berliner Bezirken. Kostenlos und kompakt: leute.tagesspiegel.de]

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A circumstance that the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district now takes into account in its transport and urban development policy. Nowhere else are there so many initiatives to calm traffic in neighborhoods. But mostly they come from the academic middle class that lives there. The areas with poorer, more immigrant populations push the district far less to improve the living environment.

The district has therefore recently announced that it will calm traffic in the entire district as much as possible – and start where the need is most urgent, regardless of local residents’ initiatives.

A danger, to which SPD parliamentary group leader Raed Saleh recently pointed outstill exists: If the quarters are upgraded, gentrification threatens to hit even harder there too.

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