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New Energy Decree: Extension of Protected Energy Regime, Simplifications for Renewables, and More

The extension of the protected energy regime for six or twelve months. The facilitation of authorizations for renewables, also through a compensation mechanism for the territories. And, according to what the Corriere understands, a device to modify the legislation on the national storage of nuclear waste. These are some of the measures that should be included in the new Energy decree (containing “urgent provisions for the country’s energy security, the promotion of the use of renewable sources, support for high energy consumption companies, as well as for the functioning of the retail market of ‘electrical energy’) prepared by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security. The text will be brought to the attention of the pre-council today at 9.30 am and then should arrive at the Council of Ministers on the agenda at 3.30 pm.

The extension of the protected regime

The most awaited measure, requested by consumer associations and already hypothesized by minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, concerns the extension (yet another) of the protected energy market for domestic customers, in which the tariffs are established by Arera. The tenders already in place to assign customers who have not chosen a free market supplier should be valid, but the company that wins will not take over before July 2024 or January 2025.

Simplifications for renewables

As regards renewables, the draft decree provides for both measures to simplify the green self-production of energy-intensive companies and the creation of a territorial compensation fund with an annual allocation of 200 million (from 2024 to 2032) to be distributed between the regions and the autonomous provinces that host the plants. Another measure much awaited by operators is the one that allows the extension of hydroelectric concessions in exchange for multi-year investments in the plants and in the territory made by the expired or outgoing concessionaire.

The rules for regasifiers

A specific rule concerns the projects of two other regasifiers, Gioia Tauro in Calabria (by Iren and Sorgenia) and Porto Empedocle in Sicily (by Enel). To increase the flexibility of supply sources – we read in the draft – «the works aimed at the construction and operation of on-shore liquefied natural gas regasification terminals, as well as the related infrastructures, constitute strategic interventions of public utility, which cannot be postponed and are urgent. , for which, on the date of entry into force of this provision, the authorization provision has been issued”.

Applications for the nuclear depot

Minister Pichetto Fratin will also bring to the government a proposal to modify the legislation (decree 31/2010) which regulates the storage of radioactive waste. The device could be contained in the Energy Decree as the 14th article or be contained in an ad hoc regulation. The proposal serves to break the deadlock on the national deposit, which has been awaited for years. The bureaucratic process to locate the site must be completed by the end of the year and none of the 67 areas declared potentially suitable (included in the «Cnapi», the Map of potentially suitable areas) has become available. The solution is to open up self-nominations from municipalities that are not included in the Cnapi. The safety parameters will then be evaluated by Sogin, which will also ensure that the decree is implemented in a timely manner, which will plausibly also include incentives for the territories. The mayor of Trino Vercellese put forward the candidacy.

2023-10-22 19:15:17
#Bills #protected #regime #extended #proposal #nuclear #waste #storage

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