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New Elden Ring bug makes the game’s most difficult enemy even tougher

On Tuesday, FromSoftware rolled out another update for Elden Ring. with a number of adjustments and balance changes to the popular game. However, as players have found out, at least one unintentional change has also crept in, making one of the game’s most difficult matches even more difficult.

As «Demonboy995» documented via Reddit it is the chief enemy Melania who has received a helping hand in update 1.04.

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Melania no longer needs to see you to regain her health.

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Klein Tsuboi

Before the update, she got back a bit of health if she hit you with her sword. As the video to the right shows, she now gets health back even if she does not meet you.

It helps to make an already tough match even more difficult, and not least more time-consuming.

The game’s developer has so far not commented on the situation, and notes about the update also do not mention any changes to the match against Malenia. Of course, FromSoft has no problem making things more difficult in their games, but for now there is no reason to believe that this is anything other than a bug that will probably be fixed eventually.

Otherwise, update 1.04 features plenty of weapon adjustments, which among other things make larger percussion weapons more effective and various magic formulas slower to cast. You can read more about the changes at the website of publisher Bandai Namco.

ALSO READ: Elden Ring has sold 12 million copies »

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