Home » today » Business » New education group: “Our ambition is to evolve into a school of literary arts” – Saint-Brieuc

New education group: “Our ambition is to evolve into a school of literary arts” – Saint-Brieuc

What will be the proposals of the New Education Group this summer?

“We are producing “Summer passers-by” in July: six meetings with authors, combined with the discovery of natural spaces. In August, it will be time for literary walks, during which we will come back to the work of five authors around walking routes, creating an adventure linked to their lives. Finally, throughout the summer, we also have “the summer novel”, a project which consists of writing 1,500 characters per day to eventually create a novel”.

Who are you talking to?

“Throughout the year, we have workshops for everyone, whether it’s about making discoveries with “Taste” or leisure writing, with “Giving yourself a parenthesis” or even “From reality to fiction”. For those who have personal projects, we offer support, while offering a publishing assistance workshop. Our ambition is to evolve into a school of literary arts”.

Your association has doubled its workforce in one year, can we see a renewed enthusiasm for writing?

“Indeed, there is a palpable enthusiasm and we see a satisfaction of work among our members: releasing a book is an extraordinary feeling, and it is a physical object that will never be competed by social networks”.

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