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New Drug in Development to Stimulate Tooth Growth: A Step Towards Reviving Lost Teeth

If your teeth have fallen out as a result of old age or have fallen out as a result of decay, or you are suffering from loss, as in children; Do not be sad; You can take some advanced medicines to help you grow new ones.

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A new drug that stimulates tooth growth
An emerging Japanese pharmaceutical company is currently developing a new drug that stimulates the growth of new teeth in humans to replace those that have been lost. This drug may be the first of its kind in the world.
The company aims to put the drug on the market by 2030.
The Japanese Kyodo News Agency reported that the company, “Torijim Biopharma”, funded by Kyoto University, is expected to begin clinical trials on healthy adults by July 2024 to ensure the safety of the drug, after the team succeeded in growing new teeth in mice in 2018.

How does the drug work on tooth growth?
It is noteworthy that most people have “tooth buds” that have the potential to become a new tooth, in addition to the milk and permanent teeth, although these buds usually do not develop and atrophie at a later time.
The team created a drug that inhibits a protein that prevents tooth growth. The medicine acts on these buds and stimulates their growth.
The team intends to conduct a clinical trial of the drug by 2025 for children aged 2 to 6 years who suffer from tooth loss, and who are born without some or all of their permanent teeth.
The drug also gives hope to adults who have lost their teeth due to decay.

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2023-09-25 05:19:40

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