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New Dpcm, Conte: “Let’s protect health and economy”

“We will suffer a little in this month, but by gritting our teeth we will be able to breathe again in December. The latest epidemiological data that we have analyzed since Friday also with CTS experts cannot leave us indifferent. Analysis of the epidemiological curve signals rapid growth, in all the territories of our peninsula the spread of the infection and the stress on the national health system have reached worrying levels. The Rt index has reached the critical threshold of 1.5. The high number of positive people to the covid yesterday touched the number 20 thousand and this makes tracing operations increasingly difficult. “These are the words of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, who illustrates the measures of the new Dpcm and stresses that” we haven’t introduced a curfew, curfew is a word we don’t like … ”.

New Dpcm, refreshments for companies

“The government – explains the premier – has set itself a clear objective: we want to keep the epidemiological curve under control, because only in this way will we be able to manage the pandemic without being overwhelmed. But this means offering an efficient response and adequate treatment to all citizens and averting a generalized lockdown, the country cannot afford it ”. With this framework of measures – he says – we are confident that we will be able to face the month of December more easily. We hope to arrive at Christmas with a serene predisposition of mind. I hope ” that these new anti Covid measures are enough, ” but it is certainly not that at Christmas, even if the first doses of vaccines will arrive, we will all be able to hug each other and have parties and parties … The important thing is to arrive there calmly ”, says the premier.

New Dpcm, the measures

Conte then adds: “It is a complex moment, in the country there is a lot of tiredness. The pandemic is challenging us hard, causing anger and frustration. It is also creating new inequalities that add to existing ones. There are sections of the population hard hit, less protected people who cannot count on a salary or a fixed income. I am aware of the new sacrifices that we are asking especially of some categories: restaurateurs, owners and managers of gyms, artists, artisans. I don’t like making promises, I prefer to make a commitment on behalf of the government: compensation is ready for the benefit of all those who will be penalized by these new rules. “” We immediately offer compensation and refreshment measures “, promises the premier.

“The new indemnities and refreshments ” for those penalized by the new anti Covid measures ” are all additional to those already in force and we hope to go to the Official Gazette on Tuesday. Let’s see if the CDM will be Monday or Tuesday ”, explains Conte who then announces: “New non-repayable grants will arrive. There will be a tax credit for commercial rentals for the months of October and November. canceled the second Imu installment due by 16 December. The Cig is confirmed”.

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On the street protests ” I say to be careful. There are groups of antagonists, even professionals, who try to fuel the protest. There were also ordinary citizens in the square, but watch out for infiltrations because we must not offer the professionals of protest and social unrest to have space ”. “The virus runs a lot” but “we cannot blame the government for lowering the attention threshold or for being distracted”. “The government – the premier remarked – asked for the extension of the state of emergency, went to Parliament to say that we shouldn’t let our guard down. We have continued to work to make the health system resilient”. ” We will all have to make small sacrifices. If we do not enter into the logic of small sacrifices, we will not be able to manage the pandemic and keep the curve under control. We must do everything possible to protect health and the economy together. Italy is a great country, as demonstrated last spring. We did it then and we will do it now too ”, he concludes.

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