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New Dpcm and Christmas, government-regions meeting:

First government-Regions meeting in view of the next Dpcm. Convened by the Minister for Regional Affairs and Autonomies, Francesco Boccia, with the Regions, Anci and Upi, in connection there are also the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, the Commissioner for the emergency Domenico Arcuri, the head of Civil Protection Angelo Borrelli, the president of Anci Antonio De Caro and the president of UPI Michele de Pascale .. Among the governors are the presidents of Veneto Luca Zaia, of Liguria Giovanni Toti, of Basilicata Vito Bardi, of Molise Donato Toma, of Calabria Nino Spirlì and of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani.

Natale and Covid, Boccia: “Giving birth to Jesus 2 hours earlier is not heresy”

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte spoke of a subdued “necessary” Christmas in an interview with Tg5. “We cannot let our guard down. The Italians are aware that it will be a different Christmas or we expose ourselves to a third wave in January, with the risk of a high number of deaths that we cannot afford”, he clarified.

“We must close this second wave by avoiding the third wave and maintaining coexistence with the virus with maximum safety”, said, according to what is learned, Boccia, during the meeting with the Regions.

“The ski lifts and the winter holiday system that are fundamental to our economy will reopen when the epidemic has cooled, hopefully within a month, a month and a half. Refreshments will be guaranteed for all businesses that cannot open. “, he would stress.

“The safety of people and health come first – the minister remarked – The line of maximum prudence has also been chosen in Germany, in the awareness that ‘there are difficult winter months ahead of us, and this is valid until March’ Minister Helge Braun said today. This moderation that we all must hold every day even in January, February and March, will be accompanied by further containment measures if our behavior is not enough “.

On the school, however, “the regions have unanimously decided to suggest to the government to postpone any reopening of face-to-face teaching to January 7 for those who are still in remote teaching today. Also because if you return to school around December 10, there is a risk that some outbreaks or an increase in infections will impact our hospitals in the days between Christmas and New Year “. This was stated by the president of the Liguria Region Giovanni Toti, during today’s press point on Coronavirus, after the interlocutory meeting.

On the reopening of high schools, “all the regions decided to tell the government that it would be an inappropriate move at this time – explained Toti -, especially on the eve of the school holiday break, in the absence of a serious staggering program of entrances and with a public transport system that today provides a capacity of 50% and that should necessarily be retouched if it is decided to bring older children back to the classroom “.

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