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New details about the murder of the comrade

On Thursday, the 41-year-old who is charged with the murder of his friend was remanded in custody for four more weeks.

On July 19, a 39-year-old man was shot and killed in a car parked in Tordenskiolds gate near the City Hall in central Oslo.

The shots fell at 17:44, in the middle of the joint holiday. It was hot weather and bustling crowds in the center.

At an Indian restaurant a few meters from where the car was parked, several guests, including families with children, witnessed the murder.

Several of these filmed parts of the course of events.

Repeated gunshots

The Oslo District Court’s ruling states that “the murder was committed with repeated gunshots”. The 41-year-old is said to have first fired an unknown number of shots inside the car, before he went out and continued firing at the passenger seat where the comrade was sitting.

One of the shots went through the car’s windshield, before hitting the 39-year-old who died from the gunshot wounds.

The 41-year-old himself called the police after he had fired the shots.

Less than five minutes later, he was arrested.

The man has acknowledged the facts, but claims he acted in self-defense. The ruling from the Oslo District Court states that he believes the emergency situation had built up over a long period of time.

Police attorney Rita Parnas states that interrogation of key witnesses in the case still remains.

– When we request that he be imprisoned, we believe that the conditions for him to have acted in self-defense have not been met, so that it is a question of impunity, Parnas says.

TV 2 has tried to get in touch with the man’s defender, lawyer Mette Yvonne Larsen, without success.

Has reported the deceased

Avisa Oslo writes that the accused The 41-year-old was hospitalized earlier this year after being stabbed.

According to the newspaper, the man accused of murder has reported the deceased comrade for the stabbing after the murder this summer.

Rita Parnas states that the police believe they have a good overview of the course of events. The accused man has explained himself in detail.

– We are working to investigate and check his explanation against other information in the case.

– What has he explained about the prelude to the murder?

– There is nothing to indicate that this was a random meeting, but I can not go further into this, says Parnas.

She does not want to say anything about what the accused has explained about the background for him believing the murder was committed in self-defense.

Both men are known to the police from before. In 2018, they were convicted of several aggravated thefts that they had committed together.

TORDENSKIOLDS GATE: Several passers-by witnessed the murder in the middle of the joint holiday. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB

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