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new demonstrations against coal

Several dozen anti-coal activists demonstrated on Friday in front of two surface mines in Germany against the content of the bill presented in February by the German government, which provides for an exit from coal by 2038 at the latest.

For the promoters of these events, in particular the activists of the movement + Ende Gelände + and + Einsatz Kohlestopp +, the date of 2038 is too far away.

“With this law, the government is funding this destructive industry for another decade,” said the organization Ende Gelände in its press release.

“If the government lets the laws be dictated by the coal companies instead of stopping the climate crisis, then we will take charge of the coal ourselves,” said environmental movement spokesman Ronja Weil.

“The droughts, forest fires and the 38 degrees Celsius in Siberia make it clear: every additional day of coal-fired electricity production is a climate crime. With its coal extension law, the German government wants to ensure that this crime continues for another 18 years, ”she added.

Germany’s coal law is expected to be passed by the Bundestag, the lower house of parliament, next week.

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