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New delays in Harvey Weinstein’s transfer from New York to California

05/02/2021 21:33 – ABUSE

New delays in Harvey Weinstein’s transfer from New York to California

The former Hollywood producer, jailed on rape and sexual abuse charges, will continue for a while longer in New York as his transfer to California to face other new charges will be delayed until the end of the month.

Wainstein, already convicted, awaits transfer
The former Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, imprisoned on charges of rape and sexual abuse, will continue for a longer time in New York as his transfer to California to face other new charges it will be delayed until the end of the month.
As prosecutors press for his transfer by charges of sexually assaulting five women in Los Angeles and Beverly Hills between 2004 and 2013, a lawyer for Harvey indicated that it will further delay the transfer of the jailed film producer from New York to California to face charges of rape and sexual assault, the Italian agency ANSA reported.
Lawyer Norman Effman told an Erie County court judge in Buffalo that he will file the paperwork within the next 30 days, and that it will likely require another court appearance. regarding Weinstein’s extradition.
The former producer has been in the Wende Correctional Center since March of last year after being convicted in New York City of a sex act and third degree rape.
Weinstein was initially indicted in California in a criminal complaint and later indicted on March 15.
If you were convicted of all crimes, you could receive a sentence of up to 140 years in jail, which would be added to the 23 that the New York judge has already ruled for rape and sexual assault, a sentence for which he is already in custody.
“Harvey Weinstein faces a total of four charges for rape and four for forced oral copulation, two for sexual assault with restraint, and one for sexual penetration through the use of force in relation to five crime victims ranging from 2004 to 2013.”, said then the Prosecutor’s Office in a statement on the eleven new charges that fall against the former producer in California.
Total, more than 80 women accused the former producer of sexual crimes and misconduct.
Harvey Weinstein’s conviction in New York marked a great triumph for the #MeToo movement in the fight of women against sexual abuse and assault.Source of the news (Telam)

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