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New data give reason to believe that the pilot of the crashed MiG-29 died – Bulgaria

© Velko Angelov

Among the found remains of the MiG-29 fighter that crashed in the Black Sea, biological material was found, which was provided for DNA examination, Chief of Defense Admiral Emil Eftimov told reporters. He did not give more details, but the addition that the efforts of the search teams will be focused on finding the black box of the plane, gives reason to believe that the pilot is considered dead.

Finding the on-board recorder is important because the data on it can explain what happened. The Commander of the Navy, Rear Admiral Kiril Mihailov, commented that the teams are in a race against time, because the long stay of the so-called a “black box” in the water can damage the information.

In response to a question, Emil Eftimov said that when the plane crashed, there was another air-to-air missile on it, in addition to the one fired at the target. A conversation was held with an expert from the Air Force to explain what to do if the remains of the fighter, which have not yet been found, are removed.

Admiral Eftimov specified that the data from the last radar contact with the plane show that it was moving at about 900-950 km / h and was at an altitude of about 1500 meters.

So far, two potential places have been identified where the part of the plane where the black box is located could be located. Places are currently being explored. Today there was a meeting with representatives of the Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and two private companies that have devices for scanning the seabed and devices for underwater photography.

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