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New curfews are looming – billion dollar aid for the economy

Updated March 19, 2020, 9:00 p.m.

How long can this go on? Despite the corona crisis, groups in parks and cafés still meet in Germany. The countries do not rule out exit bans.

More current information about the corona virus can be found here

Despite the insistent appeal from Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) to face more discipline in the Corona crisis larger curfews in several federal states. Next Sunday wants Merkel Advised to discuss this with the Prime Ministers in a telephone switchboard. Since Thursday, people in the Bavarian Mitterteich and two other places have only been allowed to take to the streets in exceptional cases. The economy is also being prepared for hard times – with billions of programs for companies. Even large corporations are already struggling to survive.

In Germany More than 13,900 infections with the new corona virus are known so far, on Wednesday it was just over 1o,000. 44 with Sars-CoV-2 So far, infected people have died nationwide. There is better news from China, the country of origin of the pandemic: infection numbers are falling.


Such bans have long been in force in Wuhan, China, Italy, France and Spain – while in Germany people are still sitting in groups in parks. Several prime ministers emphasized that things could not go on like this. Bavaria’s head of state Markus Söder (CSU) threatened a curfew for the entire state: “If many people do not restrict themselves voluntarily, then in the end only the Bavarian curfew remains as the only instrument to react to it.” For three places in Bavaria Appropriate prohibitions already apply.

Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann also promised stricter requirements. If citizens do not fundamentally change their behavior, an exit ban will probably come. Saarland’s Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) considers a “quick and hard curfew” even in the whole of Germany as possibly inevitable. “We have to show strictness to protect the whole population, especially to protect our old and sick,” he told the Funke media group. Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller (SPD) made it clear that such a ban could be decided quickly.

Chinese optimism

Reported for the first time since the outbreak of the virus in January China no new local infections nationwide. Although 34 new corona cases were registered, the infected came back to the People’s Republic from abroad. Strict quarantine guidelines now apply to them. The imported cases also fuel the fear of a possible second wave of spread. Despite the relatively small number of new infections, China continues to complain of new deaths every day. On Thursday, the death toll increased by eight to 3,245. A total of 80,928 infected people were registered in mainland China, more than 66,000 of whom have recovered.

The international borders

More and more countries are closing their borders, only goods traffic is still allowed. The Netherlands ordered a de facto entry ban for non-EU citizens on Thursday. Australia and New Zealand closed the borders. Austria completely sealed off the severely affected state of Tyrol. Quarantine regulations have been in effect for all 279 municipalities since midnight: You can only leave the places for shopping, doctor visits or work – and then only to the closest place. “As long as there is a doctor, a pharmacy, a grocery store and a bank in town, the community must not be left for these purposes,” said Günther Platter, Tyrol’s head of state.

Billions of programs for the economy

The Federal Government and the central banks are doing their utmost to counter the threat of bankruptcy and upheavals on the financial markets. Solo self-employed and small companies are to be supported with 40 billion euros – through direct grants and loans. It is about musicians, photographers, artists, naturopaths, interpreters or nurses whose shops had to close, trade fairs, events and concerts were canceled.

Europe’s monetary authorities also followed suit: the European Central Bank (ECB) announced an emergency bond purchase program. The central bank wants to put 750 billion euros in government and corporate paper. This helps states and companies because, as a provider of securities, they do not have to offer as high interest rates if a central bank is a large buyer on the market. The Dax, which previously indicated a downward slide, stabilized after the ECB’s announcement, but then turned negative again.

Worry about a sovereign debt crisis

Leading economists anticipate a potentially very severe recession. Four well-known economic research institutes are now expecting economic output to shrink. The corona crisis could therefore hit German companies harder than the financial crisis in 2009. A glimmer of hope: the majority of researchers expect a rapid upswing after the end of the crisis.

Travel providers in the struggle for existence

Lufthansa and the travel group Tui are fighting for their existence. Both companies are committed to strict austerity and short-time work for many thousands of employees. Lufthansa shut down almost the entire fleet and, in the face of completely lost bookings and the uncertain duration of the pandemic, wooed billions in government aid. At Tui Germany, employees should go on short-time work for half a year. According to projections by the industry, the failure at German tour operators and travel agencies alone will total more than 4.8 billion euros by the end of April.

“Airlift” for tourists

In the popular holiday region, the largest return campaign for tourists in the history of the Federal Republic continues. After 1,500 holidaymakers from Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco and Azerbaijan were flown to Germany on special planes on Wednesday, planes with German tourists also started from the Philippines and the Dominican Republic. Numerous countries have closed borders and cut flight connections due to the rapid spread of the virus.

Replenishment of protective masks

The state-organized replenishment of protective equipment for practices and hospitals is getting underway. The Ministry of Health gave ten million urgently needed respiratory masks for further distribution to the statutory health insurance associations and the federal states. In addition, medical aid from Germany went to Italy, the EU partner that was particularly badly affected by the corona epidemic. Masks, but also protective suits for medical personnel are currently scarce worldwide. The new deliveries of protective masks are to be distributed among other things to surgeries, emergency services and places for test smears. The situation with the equipment is still partly critical.

Relief for nursing homes

So that nurses have more time for care, they will have to sit less at their desks in the coming months. Bureaucratic requirements such as the so-called nursing TÜV for quality control will be suspended until autumn. For the time being, there are also no personnel requirements so that homes can continue to operate if fewer skilled workers can come than expected. The background is that older and chronically ill people are particularly vulnerable to infection.

Kindergartens closed longer

Some parents have to be prepared to take longer care of their children at home than originally announced. Hamburg extended the closing time of the daycare centers from Thursday to April 19. In many other federal states, closures were planned from the start until after the Easter holidays, mostly until mid-April, in Hamburg initially only until March 29.

Prominent corona patients

On Thursday, several celebrities made their infection with the corona virus public. Prince Albert II of Monaco tested positive. According to the palace, there is no need to worry about the health of the 62-year-old. The EU’s Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, also reported a positive test, as did former Green Party leader Cem Özdemir. Both emphasized that they were doing well. So did Amira Pocher, the wife of TV comedian Oliver Pocher. The quarantine rules are now strictly observed, the couple emphasized.

Federal government and state chamber

The federal states are considering a special session of the Federal Council next week to quickly introduce laws to contain the corona crisis. That could be, for example, aid worth billions that the cabinet wants to decide on Monday. A switch conference Merkel with the prime ministers of the federal states is also planned for Sunday. (mss / dpa)

Cem Özdemir announces that his coronavirus test has been positive. The politician is already in quarantine. Preview: Swen Pförtner / dpa

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