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New course for health educators for children at the Vital Academy

LINZ. The Corona crisis has massive negative effects on the psyche of children and young people. According to a recent survey by Danube University Krems, 62 percent of girls and 38 percent of boys show moderate depressive symptoms. That’s why the Vital Academy Linz is starting the next diploma course to become a health educator for children. The course starts on April 26th. Registration is now available at www.vitalakademie.at possible.

Psychological, physiological and pedagogical basic skills are taught. In addition, basic knowledge of relaxation and movement training is taught, and energy work with children is also of particular importance. “The pandemic will be over at some point, but the psychological problems of the younger generation continue, so we have to react immediately,” emphasizes Sonja Pimminger, head of the academy.

The Corona crisis is a heavy burden for children and young people

Almost two years of the Corona crisis have left deep scars in the psyche of children and young people. A representative survey by Danube University Krems among 1,500 schoolchildren aged 14 to 20 illustrates the effects: 62 percent of girls and 38 percent of boys show moderate depressive symptoms. Sleep disorders and anxiety symptoms have increased five to tenfold since the pandemic began. And most worryingly, 20 percent of girls and 14 percent of boys have recurrent suicidal thoughts. “We have to counteract this immediately. The more people we can train in health education, the better for our children and young people. The need and demand for this training will be very high over the next few years,” emphasizes Academy Director Sonja Pimminger.

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