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New corona vaccine coming soon: “If in doubt, get vaccinated”

Bottrop. Bottrop doctor gives an overview of the current corona situation. Even though the pandemic is over, he advises certain people to get vaccinated.

This summer has felt a bit like winter in doctor’s offices in recent weeks – due to a noticeably high number of respiratory infections. “20 to 30 patients with cold symptoms in the practice in the morning, that’s unusual for summer,” says Dr. Christoph Giepen, general practitioner and spokesman for the Bottrop Doctors’ Association. It can be assumed that a large proportion of these are corona infections. Delivery of the current corona vaccine is scheduled to begin in mid-August. Who else does Giepen recommend getting vaccinated?

Bottrop doctor: Twice as many respiratory infections as in summer 2023

First of all, the general situation. The federal government’s infection radar shows significantly higher infection numbers than in the summer of last year. In terms of general respiratory infections – not just corona, but also – the numbers have roughly doubled compared to June/July, according to Giepen. “This is also reflected in the corona numbers,” even if they do not come close to the years 2021/22.

Dr. Christoph Giepen, general practitioner and spokesman for the Bottrop Doctors’ Association. © FUNKE Foto Services | Thomas Gödde

However, institutionalized corona tests, as they were at the height of the pandemic, no longer exist. “The doctor’s offices themselves do very little testing at all anymore.” They do it more in cases where there is a fear of an acute danger for a patient who may have a pre-existing condition, for example. “Regular tests are no longer taking place,” explains Giepen. However, he is surprised at “how many patients test themselves.” Nevertheless, the number of unreported cases is significantly higher.

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The most recent virus variants are Pirola and JN.1. “They are widespread and can penetrate lung cells more easily, which means they can infect patients more easily,” explains the doctor. This may be one of the reasons for the increased numbers. However, these variants are no worse than their predecessors.

“Overall, the death rate is at a relatively low level,” Giepen continued. “But corona is still more dangerous than the influenza virus. In the past winter season, 4.2 percent of patients died of influenza and 5.7 percent of Covid.” These are usually older patients with serious pre-existing conditions and who have to take medication that suppresses the immune system due to an autoimmune disease, for example. “This should not be dismissed: for high-risk patients, a corona infection can be dangerous in some cases,” emphasizes Dr. Christoph Giepen.

Vaccine against Corona is adapted to current virus variant

Now, at the beginning of August, doctors’ offices can order the new vaccine, which has been adapted to the JN.1 variant. According to the study, this can significantly reduce the severity of the disease, reports Giepen: “It still makes sense to get vaccinated if in doubt.”

With regard to Corona, the basic rule is that everyone between the ages of 18 and 59 should have basic immunization consisting of three antigen contacts. This can be vaccinations, but also previous illnesses.

“People at risk should have their vaccinations boostered once a year, usually in the fall.” This includes people over 60, especially those living in a senior citizens’ center, employees in health care facilities, immunosuppressed people and those with serious underlying illnesses.

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“Ultimately, we are through the pandemic. Everything is currently happening at a low level, simmering along. And it will stay that way,” says Giepen. Incidentally, the recommendation for people at risk to have their vaccinations refreshed in the fall also applies to influenza.

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