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New corona rules: These 5 points are important in Bremen

Stricter mask requirements, requirements for religious meetings, paid taxi rides – this is how Bremen implements the corona resolutions of the federal and state governments.

1 Stricter rules for the mask requirement

Bremen tightened the mask requirement from February 1st. Wherever there is already a mask requirement, only medical masks are allowed. The Senate decided on Thursday. Fabric masks are then no longer sufficient, for example in buses and trains or when shopping. Surgical masks or masks of the FFP2 or KN95 / N95 standards must be worn there. All Bremen residents between the ages of 15 and 59 should initially receive five FFP2 masks by post free of charge. How the distribution should take place will be clarified in the next few days.

2 Off for conventions and flea markets

From next Monday, January 25th, there will be further restrictions for events: In addition to the existing closings – including in the catering trade – congresses, commercial exhibitions, special markets, annual markets and flea markets will no longer be allowed to open. Weekly markets remain open subject to conditions.

3 Stricter rules for religious meetings

Stricter rules are also planned for religious meetings. Events and gatherings with more than ten participants must be registered with the public order office – two working days in advance.

4 Taxi rides for vaccination

Anyone over 80 years of age but not entitled to medical transport for the corona vaccination will be paid for the taxi ride to the vaccination center. “The free trips are an important step in achieving a high vaccination rate,” said Health Senator Claudia Bernhard (Linke). The Senate wants to cover the entire cost of the trips.

5 Citizenship discusses new rules

The new regulation is expected to come into force on Monday, January 25th. For the masks, a transition period was agreed until February 1 to give people time to get the medical masks. On Friday the new rules are still a topic in the citizenship, where changes can be introduced.

This topic in the program:
buten un binnen, 21. Januar 2021, 19:30 Uhr

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