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New corona infection has been reported in Indonesia

New corona infection has been reported in Indonesia

Test in front of the hospital in Pekasi

© © 2021 AFP

With more than 21,000 new cases in 24 hours, Indonesia has set a record rate of coronavirus infections.

With more than 21,000 new cases in 24 hours, Indonesia has set a record rate of coronavirus infections. “We expect the number of cases to increase,” a spokesman for the official epidemiology task force said on Sunday. Therefore experts predict that the infection rate will continue to rise over the next two or three weeks.

In recent weeks, the number of cases in Indonesia has increased. The sheer volume of travel after the end of the fasting month of Ramadan in May, and a new type of infectious virus are the reasons. Fears are growing that the fragile health system may collapse. Many hospitals are overcrowded.

Indonesian authorities have so far recorded a total of more than 2.1 million epidemics and more than 57,000 deaths. It is the most infectious disease in Indonesia in Southeast Asia. The actual number of infections can be significantly higher due to lower test rates.

The government in Jakarta, generally accused of inadequate handling of the epidemic, has temporarily tightened restrictions on freedom of movement, but has so far refrained from strict lockdown measures. The official goal is to vaccinate 180 million of the 270 million people by early next year. So far, about five percent of the population has been fully vaccinated.


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