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New corona cases: Canton St.Gallen 99, Switzerland 1,748

Current situation: Canton St.Gallen

Last update: 3/19/2021 7:49 am Cumulative number Newly reported
Laboratory Confirmed Cases 35’273 +99
deceased 685 +0

The newly reported cases are the difference since the last update and also contain late reports of cases from earlier days.

According to the situation bulletin of March 19, 2021, infections with virus mutations during this week are 40 to 50 percent of all cases. The proportion is the same as in the previous week.

Overall epidemiological assessment: “Trend in the number of cases is rising slightly”.

Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases by Constituency (Data status: March 18, 2021, midnight)

Constituency Cumulative frequency Number of the last 7 days Number of the last 14 days
Total canton of St.Gallen 35’273 439 830
St.Gallen constituency 8’657 87 191
Rorschach constituency 2’961 33 60
Rheintal constituency 4’984 31 64
Werdenberg constituency 2’450 49 75
Sarganserland constituency 2’911 60 111
See-Gaster constituency 4’258 50 96
Toggenburg constituency 2’983 42 77
Constituency of Wil 5’798 85 152

The total does not always correspond to the sum across the constituencies. In some cases, the place of residence is unknown or cannot be assigned.

Bed occupancy by Covid-19 patients in hospitals in the canton of St.Gallen

Total Covid-19-Patienten 36
… of which in intensive care without ventilation 0
… of which in intensive care with ventilation 9

(Update: March 19, 2021, registration status: March 18, 2021)

Assessment of occupancy according to the situation bulletin of March 19, 2021: “Sufficient capacities available”.

Vaccinations in the canton of St.Gallen

Stand: 17.3.2021 Total* Pfizer/BioNTech Modern
Total vaccination doses administered 73’275 38’447 34’828
Fully vaccinated people 28’252 16’587 11’665

* since vaccination began

(Source: Canton of St.Gallen, Office for Health Care; update: March 19, 2021)

Contact Tracing im Kanton St.Gallen

In the situation bulletin of March 19, 2021, the current occupancy of the St.Gallen Contact Tracing is classified as “low”, as in the previous week. Currently, 1,519 index cases are being looked after in isolation and 662 contact persons in quarantine.

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