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new cases in Friuli and Abruzzo. Man admitted to Pescara. South Tyrol schools reopen

Exceeded the thousand infections from coronavirus in Italy. There are over 1000 positive people, 29 dead and 50 recovered. It is the budget of the Civil protection. Closure of schools until March 8 only extended in red regions: Lombardy, Veneto is Emilia Romagna. In Piedmont reopens on Wednesday, in Liguria empty classes only in Savona, return to business also in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Marche. Today the new decree of the Prime Minister will be adopted: via the ‘yellow areas and individual cities equated to the status of the three most affected regions, with the same restrictions. Besides Savona, also Pesaro-Urbino.

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Coronavirus in Fiumicino, the confession on the class chat: “Sorry, my daughter and I have the virus”

Alert in Sorrento in the hospital of Santa Maria della Misericordia pending the results of a coronavirus swab to which a Spanish tourist has been subjected. The woman, coming from Milan and with some fever lines, went to the hospital to ask for investigations in fear of having contracted the coronavirus. In the meantime, the hospital has suspended hospitalizations pending the outcome of the swab sent to Cotugno in Naples, a hospital specializing in infectious diseases. The hospital is currently isolated: no one can enter or leave it unless it is adequately protected.

There is tranquility in Sorrento awaiting the results of the buffer to which the young Spanish architect from Milan was subjected as a precaution. “Here the woman is hospitalized in isolation” they say from the hospital and claim to have adopted all the procedures provided in these cases of suspected coronavirus; the results of the swab are expected from Cotugno hospital, expected in the late afternoon. The mayor of Sorrento, Giuseppe Cuomo, says: «At the moment we cannot say anything. I am in contact with the medical director of the hospital, Giuseppe Lombardi and as soon as he sends us the results we will issue an official press release ». The city, despite some cancellations of reservations in recent days, is responding positively. Last night, despite a limited number of activities open for the winter break, it registered a good flow in restaurants, bars and pizzerias.

TO Fiumicino all negative contacts with the infected woman. “All 51 close contacts relating to the Rhone school, the English school, family contacts and health personnel who came into contact have been defined by the epidemiological survey conducted by the ASL Roma 3 and by the Spallanzani regional infectious disease surveillance service) »With new coronavirus positive patients. «In total there are 51 and they are negative». This was stated by the Lazio Region Councilor for Health, Alessio D’Amato, at the end of the reading of today’s bulletin at Spallanzani in Rome. «The ASL Roma 3 is monitoring the progress of any symptoms as well as the operating protocol. Swabs made on close contacts that showed symptoms are all negative – he added – including classmates with symptoms and a teacher. A teacher who was admitted to Spallanzani for past chronic diseases is also negative. The subject placed under home surveillance was identified yesterday through the notification made by the Ministry of Health

In Friuli Venezia Giulia Four new cases tested positive for the coronavirus test: one in Trieste and three in Udine. This was stated by the Fvg Region. “The patients – the Region informs – were taken in charge by the regional health service and the test samples sent to the Istituto Superiore di Sanità”. The second test, carried out by the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, on the man hospitalized in isolation at the hospital of Pescara. The patient, residing in a municipality of the Chieti-Pescara metropolitan area, reported that he returned from a business trip to Lombardy last week and that he had almost immediately accused of the flu symptoms that had led him to stay at home. The Health Prevention and Protection Service of the Abruzzo Region announced this. At the moment, therefore, there are 3 confirmed cases of Covid 19 in Abruzzo.

In Veneto, the number of positive cases rose to 223 Coronavirus, 59 of which hospitalized.

Coronavirus, the infection of the Pescara patient has been confirmed: the cases increase to three

Schools reopen in South Tyrol. “The situation in South Tyrol is stable, there are no indications of a medical nature that would jeopardize the reopening of schools in the province of Bolzano on Monday 2 March”, said the President of the Province of Bolzano Arno Kompatscher in view of the end of the carnival. The governor discussed the situation yesterday, during a video conference at the Civil Protection headquarters, with the President of the Council of Ministers, Giuseppe Conte, and with the presidents of all Italian regions. “At my request – underlines President Kompatscher – President Conte has assured that he will intervene with all European governments, so that the alarms issued regarding travel to Italy are withdrawn or differentiated”. Finally, the president stressed that a holiday in South Tyrol “is as safe as a holiday in Bavaria or in other regions and this must be taken into account”.

New provisions for controls in Vatican. Today, to enter St. Peter’s Square, where Pope Francis will hold the Angelus at 12, the security forces made sure that there are more orderly lines at the entrances. Pilgrims are checked one at a time, guaranteeing a distance of several meters between who is checked and the people behind them. These would be measures related to the coronavirus emergency that aim to avoid crowds and crowds. After the first filter, the one used for metal detectors remains, under the colonnade, where the employees are not currently equipped with a thermo-scanner. Today there is not a large turnout of pilgrims, who have also fallen in recent days, as instead is recorded every Sunday.

Marche, a case ad Ancona. Coronavirus positive swabs rise to 24 Marche: 23 are in the province of Pesaro Urbino and, for the first time, one is also in the province of Ancona. The Gores (Operational Group for Health Emergencies) informed the President of the Region yesterday evening Luca Ceriscioli. Another 13 cases, which today will be sent to Rome for examination by the Higher Institute of Health, were in fact detected after the 11 positive swabs found in recent days, of which six have already been confirmed by the ISS. “We remind you – said President Ceriscioli – that in case of doubts regarding your health conditions you should not go to the emergency room or to the family doctors’ offices, but you must call them, the medical guard or the number green 800936677 ».

L’Armenia confirmed the first case of coronavirus. He is a 29-year-old Armenian who traveled to Iran and returned to Armenia on February 28th. This was confirmed by the premier, Nikol Pashinian according to reports from the Russian news agency Sputnik.

In Croatia The seventh case of coronavirus infection has been identified. As local media reports, he is a person from the capital Zagreb. Of the seven infections, it was specified, four were ascertained in Rijeka (Fiume) and three in Zagreb.

There Spain now has 73 confirmed cases of coronavirus. The head of the Emergency Coordination Center Fernando Simn made the announcement in the briefing this morning, adding that 90% of the cases were imported or related to the imported cases. Two people are healed. Efe reports it. Spain remains at alert level one, the so-called containment phase, added Simn.

The UK, where at the moment they register 23 infections, holds “all options” open to contain the coronavirus epidemic. Health Minister Matt Hancock told Sky, adding that the government is preparing in case the situation worsens. “We do not exclude anything,” he said in response to the question of the possibility of isolating the areas most affected, “but we want to minimize economic and social turmoil”. Hancock added that schools could close, ban rallies with over 5,000 people (as done in France), or bring retired doctors back to service. In England there is also a problem of beds: there are only 15 to treat the most serious respiratory insufficiencies, therefore the system would be in trouble in case of an increase in infections.

The coronavirus also reaches the canton of Friborg in Switzerland: a man, about thirty years old from the Gruyère district, tested positive. The man is in solitary confinement at the cantonal hospital in Freiburg. The man was probably infected during a trip to Lombardy, the Friborg Department of Health and Social Affairs states in a statement. Nine people with whom the individual has been in contact have been placed in quarantine, adds the statement. The course of the disease is referred to as “positive”.

There South Korea reported another 376 cases of coronavirus infection, bringing the total nationwide to 3,526 and with the dead still at 17. Of the new infections, 333 are related to Daegu, where there is the serious outbreak linked to the sect of the Church of Jesus Shincheonji, and 26 to the nearby province of North Gyeongsang, according to the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There are 32,422 national tests in progress, while 61,037 tests have so far been negative.

In Switzerland there are no immediate new restrictive measures, like the closure of borders or schools, in relation to coronavirus. Daniel Koch, head of the communicable diseases division at the SFOI, said it today. The next step will be an information campaign which will start early next week, said the head of the Federal Office of Public Health. The campaign will include written recommendations to the population on what to do to protect themselves from infection and transmission of the Covid-19 virus. Koch urged the population to stay calm over the weekend: the goal is not to overload the hospital emergency services for minor cases.

Coronavirus, Beijing punishes the virus discoverer: Professor Zhang’s laboratory closed
Coronavirus, the Treasury wants more deficits to support the revival. Investment decree
Coronavirus, hospitalizations the real emergency: + 23% per day, few beds

According to the head of the SFOPE, the closure of borders is not currently an option, because it would not be effective and because it would prevent many frontier workers from reaching their jobs in hospitals and medical offices. The closure of schools would also not be justified, given that it is shown that it is above all people over 60 who are most at risk. However, children are not considered to be the main carriers of the virus. Daniel Koch also called the situation in Italy “worrying”, where 885 cases and 21 deaths have so far been confirmed. Even in Switzerland, one might find oneself in the situation of no longer being able to trace the routes of infection. So far, 12 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the Confederation. Another 5 cases have tested positive in one of the new laboratories activated during the week, but confirmation from the reference laboratory in Geneva is still awaited.

Stock exchanges collapse, Riad lose 3%. The impact of the coronavirus causes Gulf stocks to collapse. At the opening of the markets this morning, the Riad Stock Exchange, the largest in the region, lost more than 3%, the Kuwait Stock Exchange collapsed by more than 9% and that of Dubai plummeted by 4.8% while that of Abu Dhabi fell 3.8%. Equity markets are suffering from the destabilizing consequences of coronavirus on the world economy and on falling oil prices.

Last updated: 13:07


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