And new call for tenders for the redevelopment of Nantes-Atlantique airport will be launched “by the end of the year“, announced yesterday the Minister of Transport Clément Beaunethree days after confirmation of the cancellation of a previous procedure.
“We are not starting from scratch (…) We are moving forward by seizing this opportunity to do better, particularly on an ecological level. We don’t waste time: one month of consultations, I come back (to Nantes) and by the end of the year, we launch the procedure“, explained Clément Beaune to the press, after having met local elected officials and representatives of the consular chambers in the morning.
The minister foresees a shift “about two years” of the redevelopment project. “A series of topics” will be clarified next month concerning the new call for tenders, in particular that “the lengthening or non-lengthening of the runway“, he clarified.
The just canceled call for tenders was launched in October 2019 after the abandonment of the Notre-Dame-des-Landes project in 2018. “I understand the current disappointment (…) I know that it is vital to have a modernization of this airport and this is maintained as our ambition. But we must do it under legal, environmental and economic conditions that are as satisfactory as possible.“, affirmed the minister.
The discussion with Vinci Airports, current concessionaire of Nantes-Atlantique and the only candidate in the running, “did not result in an offer which would have been satisfactory to respect all the financial or environmental criteria in particular“, he added.
@VINCI Airports
2023-10-03 12:54:48
#NantesAtlantique #call #tenders #launched #year #Air #Journal