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New Caledonia, tornadoes in the United States, aftermath of Brexit… Information to remember this weekend

  • New Caledonia: the “no” to independence wins by far, against a background of record abstention

Election posters calling for a “no” vote in the referendum in Noumea, New Caledonia, Sunday, December 12, 2021.

If the outcome of the ballot was not in doubt, the figure seems overwhelming. The “no” to independence triumphed on Sunday in the third self-determination referendum in New Caledonia, with 96.49% of the vote. France is more beautiful because New Caledonia has decided to stay there”Emmanuel Macron said in a speech released shortly after the results were announced.

Turnout stood at 43.90%, in free fall compared to previous referendums, because supporters of independence had called for a boycott of this referendum. They claimed that the Covid-19 epidemic did not allow them to carry out a “Fair campaign”. “For us, this is not the third referendum, ruled Roch Wamytan, independence president of the Congress of New Caledonia. We consider that in terms of legal and political legitimacy, there are only two referendums, 2018 and 2020. This one is the referendum of the French State and its supporters in New Caledonia, not the our. “

Read also Referendum in New Caledonia: massive and unsurprising victory of the “no” to independence, against a backdrop of record abstention
  • Deadly tornadoes devastated central and southern United States

Tornado damage in Mayfield, Ky. On December 12, 2021.

The American rescue services were working hard on Sunday looking for possible survivors of the tornadoes that devastated the central and southern United States on Friday evening and Saturday morning. The governor of Kentucky, the state most affected, fears that the death toll, at least 83, will exceed 100.

Dozens of missing, buildings flattened as far as the eye can see, tangles of rubble: six American states have been crossed by “One of the worst tornado series” in the country’s history, lamented US President Joe Biden, calling their ravages“Unimaginable tragedy”.

In images, in pictures : In the United States, the search for survivors after deadly tornadoes pass through central and southern parts of the country
  • Post-Brexit fishing: the United Kingdom grants 23 additional licenses to the French

French fishing boats, including the “Welga”, which has been deprived of its fishing license in Jersey waters, are blocking the entrance to the port of Saint-Malo on November 26, 2021.

The UK has granted 23 additional licenses to French fishermen, a UK government spokesperson said on Saturday. The announcement comes the day after a deadline set by the French government in the post-Brexit fishing rights dispute. This number remains far below the 104 licenses demanded by France in recent days, threatening to go to litigation in the absence, before Friday, of “Goodwill gesture” from London.

In response, fishermen in Hauts-de-France announced forthcoming action against imports of British products, saying they were “Neglected by the European Commission”. “Movements which will target the importation of British products [seront à prévoir] », the Hauts-de-France regional committee for maritime fisheries and breeding (CRPMEM) said in a press release.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Fishing licenses: the “wake-up call” of French fishermen to demand respect for the agreement
  • A preventive treatment authorized for people not very receptive to vaccines against Covid-19

A worker fills boxes of Evusheld (image from undated AstraZeneca video).

The preventive use of Evusheld, an antibody treatment against Covid-19, has been authorized in France, the High Authority for Health (HAS) announced on Friday evening. This treatment may be used for people whose bodies are resistant to vaccination and who are at risk of developing a severe form of the disease.

Developed by the AstraZeneca laboratory, this drug is also intended for people who are not eligible for vaccination for medical reasons, in particular because they risk serious allergic reactions.

Read the forum of associations of immunosuppressed patients: Article reserved for our subscribers “How many deaths have been avoided, without counting the consequences, sometimes serious, suffered by those who survive Covid-19? ”
  • Yannick Agnel indicted for “rape of a 15-year-old minor”

Yannick Agnel, at a swimming competition in Montpellier, April 1, 2016.

Former Olympic swimming champion Yannick Agnel was indicted for “rape and sexual assault on a 15-year-old”, the Mulhouse prosecutor’s office said on Saturday. He was placed under judicial supervision, despite requests for pre-trial detention made by the prosecution.

According to The team, “The investigation follows a complaint from a swimmer who trained with Agnel in Mulhouse between 2014 and 2016”.

And also…

Floods. First clean-up operations in the South-West, recession in progress

Disappearance. Jacques Auxiette, former president of Pays de la Loire, is dead.

Disappearance. Anne Rice, author of “Chronicles of the Vampires”, is dead.

Miss France. The Francilienne Diane Leyre elected, in front of Miss Martinique and Miss Alsace.

The world

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