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New building could be in the Stühlinger district of Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

District office wants to build new headquarters / Freiburg city administration proposes land and closer cooperation.

. The Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district office is to be rebuilt and the location is to remain in Freiburg. The city administration of Freiburg has now suggested a possible site next to the town hall in the Stühlinger for the relocation of the around 1200 employees of the district office. According to District Administrator Dorothea Störr-Ritter and Freiburg’s building mayor Martin Haag, the city and district should also cooperate more closely in administrative work and seek synergies. The political bodies have to decide on this.

The district council must decide in its meeting on Monday, July 18, whether this idea will be pursued further in principle. A week later, the project comes before the Freiburg municipal council. The new building could create a huge administration site in Stühlinger, as the city of Freiburg is planning two more of its own administration buildings there.
The district office wants to give up the current location next to the Stadtgarten in Freiburg because, among other things, investments in fire protection of 25 to 30 million euros would be necessary – and from the point of view of the district administrator, the building also urgently needs to be renovated, which will result in additional costs draw. The layout of the property also does not allow for any extensions.
Freiburg’s building mayor, Haag, estimates that a new building in Stühlinger will cost a three-digit million amount. On the parking area now targeted, …

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