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New blood drive in San Fernando this Friday at the Santo Cristo Parish

In summer, the number of donations decreases, so the island population that can donate is encouraged to come to the collection.

Each blood donation helps improve the health of three patients.

The Andalusian Network of Transfusional Medicine, Tissues and Cells of the Ministry of Health and Families once again makes an urgent call to islanders to come and donate blood and plasma in order to guarantee the needs of the health centres in San Fernando are met.

Calls for solidarity continue to be made in the face of low blood reserves in the island towns. These donations of blood and plasma are very necessary since the healthcare activity of the San Carlos hospital has not ceased.

Once again, CTTC in Cadiz is asking the island population to donate blood and plasma, which is why they are calling for a new collection – in the afternoon (from 5:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.) – this Friday, August 16 at the Santo Cristo Parish in San Fernando, in Mother Teresa of Calcutta Square.

It is a priority to promote blood drives by all possible means, in order to raise awareness among the population and awaken their solidarity to donate blood. In addition, it is a simple gesture that saves or improves the lives of three patients and to do so you only need to be between 18 and 65 years old, feel well and weigh more than 50 kilograms.

“The health of many people depends, to a certain extent, on its maximum dissemination,” concludes the CTTC of Cadiz.

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