Home » today » Health » New Blood Analysis Test for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Plan: Medical Breakthrough at Catharina Hospital

New Blood Analysis Test for Lung Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment Plan: Medical Breakthrough at Catharina Hospital

Medicalfacts Editorial / Janine Budding February 10, 2024 – 10:36 PM

With a blood analysis, it can be determined more quickly whether a patient with complaints consistent with lung cancer actually has the disease and whether it is possible to treat it with targeted therapy. Two years ago, the Catharina Hospital introduced this blood test into clinical practice. “It has become routine for us,” says Volkher Scharnhorst, head of the General Clinical Laboratory at the Catharina Hospital and professor at TU/e. “This is how we make an impact and that sets us apart from the rest of the Netherlands.”

Eight years ago, Scharnhorst started research into detecting lung cancer in blood. At that time, an examination for cancer always took place by a pathologist who examined a piece of tissue. “During a biopsy, the pulmonologist removes some tissue through the trachea,” Scharnhorst explains. “This is a fairly stressful and unpleasant procedure and not always successful. Sometimes the patient has to come back. Our question was whether it is also possible to make a reliable diagnosis based on blood analyses.

Diagnosis and treatment plan for lung cancer

A patient who a doctor suspects has lung cancer will have imaging tests and then a biopsy taken to identify the tumor cells and obtain DNA analysis. With all this information, a treatment plan is determined. This is the case in all Dutch hospitals. Three treatments are then possible: the patient receives chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy in the form of tablets. Before a doctor can treat, he must know which treatment is best. To determine via biopsy whether there is a mutation that can be treated with targeted therapy, he must wait an average of two weeks for the results of the DNA analysis on the tumor. “Valuable time,” says Scharnhorst. “Patients are often very ill, the sooner you can start treatment the better.

Volkher Scharnhorst. Photo: Jeroen Appels/Van Assendelft Photography

Treatment plan in three days

Thanks to the new blood analysis, this can be done much earlier in many cases. Within three days, all necessary examinations have been completed and a treatment plan can be drawn up. Scharnhorst’s research showed that in fifty percent of the cases in which a mutation was found in the biopsy of the tumor, it was also found in the blood. In addition, the team of researchers discovered that additional mutations were found by introducing the new blood test. “Sometimes the amount of DNA of the tumor cells is extremely diluted in the blood. If no mutation was found in our test, this does not mean that no mutations are present in the tumor. The pathologist can then still conduct DNA testing on the biopsy. In cases where we do find a mutation in the blood, we can start the most appropriate treatment more quickly.

Establish routine care

The Sint Jans Gasthuis in Weert, the Anna Hospital in Geldrop and the Máxima Medical Center also use the laboratory of the Catharina Hospital for the new blood test. Other Dutch hospitals only work with research on biopsies. “There are now a number of hospitals that are setting it up as routine care, just like us. It does require some manpower, knowledge and equipment, but you can treat patients better and you will find more mutations.”

Source: Catharina Hospital, Photo: Jeroen Appels/Van Assendelft Photography

Editorial Medicalfacts / Janine Budding

I have specialized in interactive news for healthcare providers, so that healthcare providers are aware of news that may be relevant to them every day. Both lay news and news specifically for healthcare providers and prescribers. Social Media, Women’s Health, Patient advocacy, patient empowerment, personalized medicine & Healthcare 2.0 and the social domain are key points for me to pay extra attention to.

I studied physiotherapy and health care business administration. I am also a registered independent client supporter and informal care broker. I have a lot of experience in various positions in healthcare, the social domain and the medical and pharmaceutical industries, nationally and internationally. And I have broad medical knowledge of most specialties in healthcare. And the healthcare laws from which healthcare is regulated and financed. I attend most of the leading medical conferences in Europe and America every year to keep my knowledge up to date and to keep up with the latest developments and innovations. I am currently doing a Masters in applied psychology.

My messages on this weblog do not reflect the strategy, policy or direction of an employer, nor are they work by or for a client or employer.

2024-02-10 21:44:30
#Faster #diagnosis #earlier #treatment #lung #cancer #blood #analysis #MedicalFacts.nl

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